Sequel- Book 2

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Hello guys!!

It has been a while! And holy shit!! I would've never guessed you guys would love this story so much! It's been almost 3 years since I posted that first chapter. You guys blew my mind with the number of views and just all the love you showed me on the comments and on my inbox. It still shocks me up to this day how it got so far and how it's still ranking pretty high, 3 years later!!

You guys made all the second guessing, all the tears and all the fears of it not being good enough totally worth it.

Anyway!! I believe I am finally ready to give this another go and write book number 2. So tell me! Would that be something you'd be interested on?

I have quite a few interesting ideas and I'm thinking it's time to bring out Mike's story.


Mike, Kat and Ace's son, raised by Slim and La'Kisha becomes a police officer. He goes back to where it all started and starts digging up the past, trying to unravel his parents murder and finally make the justice he's been craving since he was just a child. When confronted with the MC, will he stay true to his duty or will he succumb to the outlaw blood running in his veins? Will he be the cop he always wanted to be or will he take the club that is his to heir?  Will he finally get his justice or will he never really discover what happened to his parents? Will he finally be able to give The Jacksons another legacy or... will he fall in the Jacksons way?

Tell me what you think about it! Dont be shy! I'll be waiting

Stay tuned!!

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