Sequel-Teaser ⚡

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-Mike!-My assigned partner, Louis, looked at me, shocked. I stared him dead in the eyes, threatening him in silence.-Calm down, man...-He was somewhat scared. I turned my attention back to the motherfucker sitting in the chair in front of me.

-Now...-I cleared my voice and stretched my fingers. My knuckles were covered in his blood.-You can stop this... It doesn't have to be this way.-I smiled.-We can be pals again! I'll let you go, cross my heart. Or... You know, since I'm the law, me and my partner here can just put a bullet in your head, no questions asked. Call it suit privilege. 

This is it, guys. The Sequel is finally coming. It's been a long wait, but at last! You shall wait no more! Tonight, at midnight (GMT time, so for Washington is like 19h, LA 15h, etc) I will be releasing two chapters of the new Dirty Angels book.  I cannot wait to hear back from you guys! I am truly excited to finally be able to put something out. It's been I don't even know how many years, so many ups and downs, so much has changed... but if you were a fan of this book, then you certainly gonna love the sequel (at least so I hope!)

The book is not complete yet. So far I've got 15 chapters but that's only the beginning. There's a lot more to come and I've got a lot up my sleeve. I am planning on releasing a chapter every week, depending on whether you guys like it or not so make sure to let me know! Your feedback is so important. The more you comment, the more I'll know and who knows... Maybe if the debut turns out okay next week instead of 1, I'll release 2 chapters again. 

Also, I would like to let you know my writing style hasn't changed. I know that's somewhat of a problem to some of you guys, but I'll always stay true to my roots and I'll never change who I am. Like I have said from the beginning that writing style is what differentiates me from everyone else, for better or for worse but that's up to you guys to decide.

Back to the story, I moved a little astray from what I was originally thinking for the sequel. It felt like it was the right thing to do, and the obvious path for Mike. In a way I believe we will all feel the same.

So, stay tuned! Tonight is the night, you guys 🌙 You will not wanna miss this! Thank you for all the support, all the love and I'll see you at midnight ❤

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Nov 26, 2021 ⏰

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