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We got back to the club and I was still so mad I just wanted to kill Alex! But most of all and more than ever I wanted her gone! I didn't even knocked. I just slammed Jax's door open.

-Jax, I need...-He was sitting behind his desk and someone else was there too. It was Richard.-Dad?!-He looked at me with a busted expression.

-Kat! Uhh...-He looked at Jax, who was still looking at me like I was his next meal.

-What the hell are you doing here?

-I think I should be the one asking you that!-Jax got up, pissed.-Where the hell is Ace?!

-I'm here...-The handsome boy showed up behind me, way too close, making me blush right away. My dad then looked at me slowly.

-Katniss what the hell happened to you?!-He came to me right away and took a look at my bruises.

-It's nothing dad...-I pushed him away.-Alex and I had a little discussion...

-You call it a discussion?! Kat!-He looked me dead in the eyes.-You two have been friends ever since I can recall.

-Well, not anymore. That's why I wanted to talk to you, Jax. I need money, man...-My dad seemed confused.

-We all do, don't we?-Jax told me and then called Ace closer.

-How do you know Jax?-My dad asked.

-Well... I just do!-I lied.-What are you doing here though?! I thought you were done with clubs!

-I am! You don't seem to be though!

-Dad, it's not what...

-Shut it, Kat! I don't want you messing with these guys, darling.-He almost whispered to me.

Richard was once the leader of The Valley Rebels MC. When I was around 5, I was kidnapped and after that he ended the club. We even changed cities. At least that's what he told me my whole life...

-Dad, I'm eighteen. I guess I know what I'm doing and...

-YOU DON'T KAT!-He screamed and slapped me with the back of his hand. Jax and Ace were shocked looking at us. Even I was shocked! He just snapped! He hit me so hard my face turned completely to the side. My eyes filled with tears right away. I bit my lip and then looked at him. I was so pissed and hurt that I felt like I was gonna blow. Regret took over him almost instantaneously. He had never laid a hand on me. I shook my head in disapproval.-Kat, wait...

-Don't...-I whispered and left with my teeth and fists clenched as hard as I could.

Man, I was beyond pissed but most of all I was hurt. My dad had hit me for the first time and he did it in front of everybody... It hurt more my pride, my feelings than it hurt my face and the fact that I just couldn't fight back was eating me alive!

I left the club literally looking for trouble. Luckily or not, nobody crossed me so I went straight to my pub. I wish I had stayed back at the clubhouse... When I got there, first thing I saw was the firemen's truck. Man, when I looked at my club, I just broke down. Everything was gone! It all turned to ashes.

-WHAT THE HELL?!-I screamed.

-Are you the owner?-A fireman asked me. I shook my head affirmatively.-Well, I'm sorry but it seemed to be an accident... The gas was left on.

-The gas? Dude, this is a pub! Why the hell would I even turn on the fucking gas?!

-Well, it was what happened...-I sighted and called Alex. She didn't pick up the first few times and when she did, she just started yelling.

-Alex...-I whispered. She shut up right away. I couldn't hide the pain in my voice.-They fucked up our dream...-I was crying.

-Who? What happened?

-They set it all on fire! Our pub is gone...

-Who?!-She started crying too.

-I don't know... But I'm gonna find out and I'm gonna fuck them up!-I was taken over by rage.

-Kat, don't! Wait...

-If I don't call you in 2 hours, you call Rick, my dad, and you tell him to talk to Jax.

-Who the hell is Jax?!-She was scared and confused.

-Do as I'm telling you, Alex! Jax will know where I am. See you later.-I hung up before she could say anything.

I was almost 100% sure I knew who had done it... It wasn't the cop. I think he got Jax's message. With the cowboy out, there was only one more option... That gang. I was so hurt and pissed off and just out of myself that I didn't even measure the danger. I lighted up a smoke, put my left hand in my pocket and off I went. I had no idea where to find them but I would and when I did, I'd make them regret ever messing with me.


-Yo, bitches! Ain't nobody here to welcome me?!-I screamed as I reached their hood. I swear I felt like I was in Brazil in one of those favelas. I just walked around, passing through guys with machine guns and covered faces. The lack of fear in me in that moment scares me up to this day.

-Who is asking?-The head of the gang asked. It was the boy that kicked my ass.-Oh! Hello! What brings you here?-He was shirtless and had a gun between his belt and belly. A sick smile appeared in his face as he caught me looking at his gun.

-Do you know anything about my pub?

-Should I?-He giggled.

-Cut the bullshit, man! I know you did it!

-Then why you asking?!

-I'm not asking. I am demanding an explanation before I rip your head off!-I threatened him. He laughed.

-You?!-He laughed even harder and then ran his hand through his short beard.-And how are you gonna fight me? Hun, you just walked in unarmed! What you gon' do? Bite me to death?-I lost it. I walked up to him and got right in his face. His men pointed their guns at me.

-Laugh while you can. I didn't come here to kill you.-He raised his eyebrow.-I came here to let you know I'm out to get you.-He looked at his men and laughed.

-I'm so scared right now I think I might need an extra pair of pants!

-Oh, you will need them!-I looked him dead in the eyes. His smile faded.-I'm gonna catch you and I'm gonna make you regret every little thing you've done to me.

-Little Kat... Don't threaten me like that because I will have to kick some respect into you.-We stared at each other for a long minute.

-You've been warned, punk. Always look over your shoulder... Because I will get you! Sooner or later, I will catch you and then you'll never forget who I am again.-I turned my back on him and just left.

 Outside of the hood, Jax, Ace and my dad were waiting for me. Behind them was Alex and Quintin. I knew I was gonna get it good this time...

The Dirty Angels MCWhere stories live. Discover now