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It had been a week. Business was slow. We went from making K's to barely reaching the 500$. Alex and I were still mad which only made it worse. There were times we just didn't have anything to say, not even Bay. It was so damn boring I had nothing to do but to drink.

I was drunk every single fucking night. Literally passed out kind of drunk. I hadn't even mentioned all that happened to Alex. I had no idea when Jax was coming back, or any of our other friends. It would suck if Alex was there... It was eating me alive! I put another drink down, while staring at Alex and trying to get courage to talk to her. She would freak out. I had told her all my bruises were from a chicks' fight. She was literally going to hate me forever for lying.

-Yo, Alex!-I called her and signaled her to come to the back with me. I grabbed 2 beers for us. When she arrived, I lighted up a smoke and offered her one.

-I don't drink...-She sighted, looking at me. I was a bit drunk, to be honest.

-Fine!-I kept both for myself.-Well, we need security.

-Yeah, who knows? The flies might start fighting each other...-She whispered ironically.

-But still! We need someone to cover our asses and maybe even give us a hand if we need...-She sighted and walked away.

-You're drunk...

-I got a deal for you.-I told her. I've had enough. She stopped walking and looked back at me, confused.

-What you mean you have a deal for me?!

-I want you out.

-WHAT?!-She screamed.

-You heard.- took a sip of my drink.-I want you out. Out of my bar. This partner shit is over.

-You're officially insane! This is my bar too! It's my money here!

-That's why I said I have a deal. You get 20% of all money the bar makes.

-That's bullshit! Even if I wanted a deal, I wanted at least 50%.

-Alex, for 50% you'd have all the debts on you too. I'm offering you 20% every month, clean money and all you gotta do is stay away.-I couldn't even look at her. In her eyes you could see all the disappointment, sadness, hate... All the heart break.

-You gotta be fucking kidding me, Kat!-She was right on my face.-Well, I've got a deal for you. I want all the money I injected in this place and then I'll be forever gone! You won't have to see me ever again!-The tears started rolling down her cheeks. I put my beer all down.

-You have it then.-I threw away my smoke.-Next week on your bank account.-I walked away, passing right besides her as she punched the wall.

-YOU FUCKING BITCH!-She screamed her lungs out. I just kept walking.

When I got back on the pub, Bay was staring at me, really confused at all the screaming. I was just clenching my teeth. Then my eyes caught Jax sitting in a corner with his boys He was staring at me, like he knew exactly what had happened. I passed my hand through my face, starting on my forehead and then massaging my eyes and finally resting it over my mouth for a while.  I was exhausted. Ever since Jax showed up and killed that cop, it was even worse. I just sat down, drinking another glass of whiskey. I could feel Jax's eyes laying on me. I could feel all his boys' looking but man, I was far from there. I knew Alex wasn't done yet... And she wasn't. When she came out of the backdoor, she threw her vest to me. I just grabbed it, not saying anything. The tears were still running down her face.

-I hope you burn in hell! You lured me into this and now you just throw me out?! WHAT THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH MY LIFE NOW?!

-Alex, I'm here if you need something... Anything. I just can't have you here with me.

-Bullshit!-She slapped my glass, making it fall and break. I took a deep breath and got up.

-Do you need me to show you the way out or...-I was as tough as I could possibly be to my best friend in the whole world.

-Fuck you, Kat! Fuck you!-She left, slamming the door. I sat back down. Jax and the boys were watching but only Jax had an amused smile in his face.

-What the hell? Where is she going?-Bay asked, confused. I was staring at my hands.

-Bay, I own this club now. It means you do what I say and ask no questions, otherwise I will put your white ass walking too. Did you understand?-I finally raised my eyes to look at her. She was just hurt. I looked down again.-You can go home now. Show up tomorrow if you still want the job.

You can't possibly imagine how I felt. The way she looked at me as she took off her vest ripped my heart to pieces. I felt so guilty, so hated... I guess they would never understand anyway. I knew how this whole bikers' club thing was going to end. Like I said, it wasn't the first time I dealt with guys like them...

-See you around, Kat.-She said, coldly and left. I just let my head fall over my arms, on the counter. Not long after, I felt a hand rubbing my head softly. I didn't even mind. I just let the tears roll.

-You did the right thing, Kat...-Jax whispered and sighted.-I think you're smart enough to understand what you're getting into.

-Jax...-I raised my head and looked at him, still with my eyes full of tears.-I need to be alone...-He said no with his head.-Leave one of your men and go away...-He smiled

-So, the answer's yes?

-Do I need to repeat myself?

-No, darling. I heard you loud and clear.-He looked at his men.-You can stay for today Quintin.

-A'ight!-He came to me and put his hand forward for me to shake it. I did-I'll take care of you, mamita.-I couldn't help but smile at his Mexican or whatever accent. He was shorter than the others. On his vest, bellow his name there was a patch saying "Brains". He was probably the one fixing the bikes.

-Enjoy!-Jax slapped my back, not to strongly but hard enough to make me jump out of my seat.-Drinks are on me, today.-He left with the other guys, smiling.

-Fucking hell...-I whispered, putting down another drink.

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