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It was time to open our doors. We had been leaving little advertisement papers all over town for the last month so we were expecting at least a few people. We had everything ready. Even Bailey, our bargirl was excited.

-What's up, Bay?-I asked when she arrived, giving her a big hug. She was skinny, tall, blonde, big boobs, blue eyes... She was just perfect to serve the drinks and she had experience which Alex and I didn't. This was a whole new world for us. I had met Bailey when we hired her basically but she was so nice and such a big help in gathering all we needed that she was basically like a sister to us by now. She was twenty one and besides being our employee, she was also who we turned to for advice or any doubts, since our parents had literally taken us off of their testimony.

-Hey, baby girl! Y'all ready for this?-She smiled and hugged me back.

-We cannot wait! I'm so excited right now!-Alex grabbed her hands and dragged her as she jumped around the club making us all crack a laugh.

-Alright, ladies! Let's get it done!-She grabbed our uniforms and threw them to us, dressing her own.

Even our outfits were thought out. I didn't want it to be a full body outfit because that would be just like going back to highschool. So, Alex and I came up with this idea of a coat with our logo in the back but then we realized in the summer that would be just cruel however we already had our jackets ready so we decided to cut off the jackets' sleeves and well that was it. We were left with a black vest that looked badass as fuck! Man, I just loved it right away. On the back it had our logo which was pretty much a hand making the famous devil horns and the club's name.

-Ladies, come here.-We all gathered in a circle, more like a triangle,  and put our hands together in the middle.-We are looking fine as fuck, hot as hell. Our club looks fucking fabulous! Let's rock it!

-AAAHHH-We all started screaming as we slowly raised our hands.-Rock you!-We shoot them up in the sky and did the horns. Then we hugged each other for good luck and took our places.

Even though me and Alex had joined a nice amount of bucks, we couldn't possibly afford everything our bar demanded. We bought the main things to get it running but we were lacking several things and it was it either blast or blow. We had no security, no alarm, no one to turn to if things went south... Which was nerve wreacking!

Alex would be behind the counter with Bay, learning and helping. I'd be doing security and controlling the entry. Yes. Me! I was tall but that was all! I couldn't possibly throw a guy out even I tried! So, I was pretty nervous.


-Kat! KAT!-I heard Alex scream over the loud music.-We could really use a hand back there...

-Oh! Sure but I need to get back to the door ASAP!

We were over full capacity. I never even thought we would have so many people on our first night! Ever since we opened the doors, people were just coming in waves! And not leaving! Which was an issue because we literally had people on the streets! I had to put a few tables outside for them to seat. You wanted a drink? Well, good luck reaching the counter! Good luck trying to make any of us understand what the hell you're saying! The music had been going louder and louder throughout the night and I don't even know how! I had no idea how it was possible. Alex and I were just running around like we were late to catch a bus or something!

I helped them with the drinks or I tried to but I had zero experience. Alex on the other hand already seemed like she was born serving drinks. They ended up sending me away because I was slowing them down. I was happy they did to be honest! It was just so stressful trying to get those drinks done while people were shouting at you, trying to get your attention.

We obviously had a few trouble. I guess that's just normal in a rock club. People do get drunk and when you're drunk you say shit you're not supposed to say and well... It happens! So I did break off a few fights. Thankfully none of them was on the violence stage so I managed to just offer them drinks or convince them out and everything worked out in the end.

At 5 am we were still full and people just didn't seem to be leaving anytime soon. Our authorization was only until 5 but I thought that one hour wouldn't hurt. It was 7 am when we finally managed to send the last client home. We were absolutely drained! Alex and Bay sat down for the first time ever since we opened.  I went to get myself a glass of whiskey and put it down like it was water. I was exhausted...

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