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Those 3 days in the cell were hell! I was beaten up almost every single fucking day! Not to mention the humiliation they put me through constantly... But hey, I was a member of the club they hated, the girl who they were trying to broom out ever since the beginning. From begging for my food to the denial of the right to have my clothes on, I felt like I was utter shit.

On Thursday afternoon, they beat me up really bad and then dumped me in the middle of nowhere. It was Ace who found me. I was sitting by the road, thirsty like a motherfucker.

-You gotta have some nerves not to show up after...-When Ace realized my state, he changed his ways right away.-Oh my god! What the fuck just happened to you?-He kneeled near me. My mouth was so dry I couldn't even speak. I was sore everywhere.-Fuck! Was it the cops?-I said yes with my head, nearly passing out. He picked me up, making me hurt everywhere. He then laid me in the back of the car and started driving fast as he called someone.-Jax, find a fucking doctor right now! I don't care about the money, I'll find a way. Kat needs assistance ASAP!

I didn't black out but up to this day I still can't recall what happened after. I just know I woke up in Ace's bed with flowers besides me, a glass of water, an I.V in my arm and a note. I read it. It said: "I left you a glass of water just in case you wake up thirsty. We went to get your revenge. Stay still.

Ps: I need to talk to you about everything that has been happening. I hope the flowers will melt you so when I get back you don't kill me for what I've said."

Ace and his particular way of saying "I'm sorry, I made a mistake." I found myself smiling after I read the note but deep down, I didn't know if I was ever going to be able to forget all those nasty things he said.

It was never my intention to hurt anyone else but myself. That's the thing about being in a relationship with someone. You lose your individuality. Everything you do affects both of you. I never wanted to affect Ace or Jax but when your finger pulls the trigger, it's your arms who absorve the throwback.

As time went by, I started feeling more and more anxious. I still didn't have any news on the boys and it was driving me crazy. A few hours later, Jax, Ace, Snake and Quintin walk through the door, chatting and then as they saw me, specially Quintin, they filled me with big hugs.

-Guys! Careful!!!-I pushed them away softly.

-Everybody off my girl!-Ace said, laughing. I looked at him with an eyebrow up and his smile faded. He went to the kitchen and put down a shot of tequila.  Then he just observed from the distance.  The guys hugged me again and asked me how I was until Jax kicked them out playfully. As they left, Jax's expression chaned. He was now serious.

-Kat, I'm sorry for what happened. It was not on the deal.-He said, still surprised at my bruises.

-It's okay. It's over now, I guess.

-Well, you're out of the club.-He told me, looking down. My eyes teared up immediately.-I came here to ask you for your jacket...-I sat in bed, crying my eyes out silently.

-I don't have it.-I whispered.-It's probably still in the club...

-I know. I found it...-I didn't even understand what he was saying. I was feeling such deep pain.-And I came here to give it back to you.-He put his hand forward with my jacket carefully folded. I looked up to him, confused as fuck. He smiled.-The court decided to kick you out because... Well... Ace didn't go easy on you.-He looked to him. Ace looked down and put another shot down.-But since I'm still the boss, I'm the one who decided who I bring into the club and I'm bringing you back.-I didn't even think twice. I jumped on him and hugged him with ever bit of strength in my body. He laughed and then grabbed me by the shoulders.-Now listen to me! Listen for real, Kat. You cannot fuck this up! You gotta play as low as you can because I am indeed going against my own rules for you so please! Get your shit together this time!

-I won't let you down, Jax.-I grabbed my jacket.

-Another thing, the court also decided that your relationship with Ace has to fade. We can't tolerate this situations we've been having lately constantly. I'm sorry.

-We'll work it out...-I looked at Ace shyly. He was putting another shot down.

-Then, I'm gonna leave you two to work on it. See you later.-He left. We were hunted by  a long period of awkward silence. Then Ace broke it.

-Kat, do you want to explain me what happened?

-What's the point, Michael? We can't stick together anyway.

-Please... I need to know!-He put down another shot.

-I already told you, Michael! I saw him messing with drugs and I was mad because I know you lied to me and I just wanted to get my hands on those drugs! That's why I let him put his hands on me... Just so I could reach his pocket and get them! But then you went nuts on him and I bailed. Then I took the drugs and started seeing unicorns then I tripped really bad got paranoid and apparently got run over by a car.

-You promise that was all?

-Do I need to? Isn't enough that I'm telling you it was just that? Don't you trust me?-I looked right inside his eyes. He sat next to me.

-You know I don't trust anyone...-He sighted- Do you have anything else to tell me?

-No!-I answered but then I remembered the book.-I mean... Look, I would rather hear it from your mouth.-He got confused.-What the hell was Carter talking about?-He looked at me with that busted look and then looked down.

Expectation was killing me!

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