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-WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?!-My dad screamed at me as Jax sat in his big chair. We were back in the clubhouse. Ace was leaning against the wall, having a smoke.-YOU COULD'VE DIED THERE!

-They set my fucking bar on fire!-I shouted back but not as loud.


-Your dad is right, Kat...-Jax told me lighting up his cigar.-It was a stupid call. I did expect better from you, considering...-My dad cleared his throat, loudly and looked at Jax like he was gonna kill him. Jax looked back at him mad and then kept going.-Considering that you're smart.-He looked at me again-You should've told us first. We would've taken care of it...

-No!-My dad said-You should've come to me!

-I can handle my own, goddammit!-I snapped.-I'm not 5 anymore, dad! I'm not fucking fragile like I used to be!


-ME NEITHER!-I left.

-Kat!-Alex screamed.-Is there anything you want to explain me?!-She was mad. Quintin was behind her and rolled his eyes.

-Taco bells!-He looked at me.-How much of a story teller are you?

-Cmon... Not me...-He begged.

-Yes, you.-I left as he sighted. Outside, I grabbed my dad's bike and rode off.

-I knew I'd find you here...-Ace whispered and sat on the sand besides me. He then stared into the ocean in silence for a few moments.-I don't know if it is the sound, the smell or the view but something about the big blue mess always calms me down.-He then looked me in the eyes.-I figured it would do the same to you, pretty face.-I blushed and looked back at the ocean, in silence. He did the same but didn't take long to speak again.-You do know that your dad and Jax are right... Right?

-I did what I felt I should do. I don't know why they're making such a big deal out if it. They would've done the same... -I answered, feeling his look upon me, watching my every move. I just stared at the ocean. He then giggled and looked at it too.

-Well... You've got a point... But the thing is... You're not us.-My head turned to him as fast as thunder.

-Why?! Because I'm a woman?!-He looked at me like I had spoken a blasphemy. He then looked at my lips and smiled a bit.

-Nah... Because you are worth something.-I was so confused. He looked back at my eyes.-Should we go back?

-I don't really feel like going back...

-Cmon...-He got up and cleaned the sand from his blue jeans.-I'll buy you a drink!-He put his hand forward for me to grab, smiling. I did and he helped me up.

I brushed the sand off as well and then we drove back to the club, side by side. Man, it was indeed a beautiful feeling and a gorgeous moment. After all, Ace wasn't just a bad boy. He did have a heart and I had seen little if it but it was real, genuine.

Back at the clubhouse, my dad was outside with his arms crossed and an unfriendly expression. I parked the bike in front of him and threw him the keys.

-Sorry I didn't ask.-I whispered. He looked at Ace like he was gonna eat him alive.

-I'll be around.-He started the engine and took off. I sighted.

-Yo, wild card, I think one drink ain't enough...

-You bet, kitten!-He giggled, watching my dad ride out.

Both of us headed inside. I was finally able to have a peaceful moment. Jax and Alex were gone. It was only me, Quintin, Ace, Snake and Johnny Boy. We were just drinking and chatting and laughing. We were having a good time!

-Hold up, hold up!-JB got up.-I think we should get her a code name too.

-Hell yeah!-The boys said all together.

-Code name?-I was confused. Again. They all laughed at my expression.

-You see,-Ace explained-these ain't our real names. Quintin's name is Juan. We call him Quintin because he is the fifth child his momma had.-He then looked at snake.-He has that name because he has a snake tattoo. And Johnny boy well... His father's name was Johnny so...

-What about you?-I asked.

-Well, I always ace everything-He laughed.

-More like he always has an ace up his sleeve... Cheater!-Quintin laughed. We all did as well.

-I think we should call her Marilyn because well Marilyn Monroe and she is hot and...-Snake said.

-You shut up, man! You think I don't remember who tested my loyalty?-The boys laughed.-I do remember the snake tattoo, ass!-His cheeks turned red. The boys were crying from laughing so much.

-Sorry... I was just following orders...-He looked genuinely full of regret.

-Its alright, man. I'm just messing  with you!-I patted his back.-I would've kicked your ass back there if I was given a chance! But no! The fucker tied me up to a fucking chair! Pussy!-I laughed.

--They told me your name was Kat. I was afraid you'd have sharp nails too!

We all laughed and kept messing around. We were all a little drunk to be honest. Our cheeks were red, our eyes small and Quintin even had hiccups. Everything was going way too well...

All of a sudden, I notice through the corner of my eye a few SUVs pulling over. I remember seeing machine guns coming out of their windows and the big window between us and the outside shattering. Then Ace pulled me down and covered my mouth. They were literally emptying magazines on us.

-Hush! Don't make a sound.-He whispered to me.-Heads are about to roll.

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