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-Kat, are you okay?-Alex ran to me. I was still staring at the door, even though that cop had been gone for a while now. She pulled my face in her direction. A tear rolled down my cheek. I had a superficial cut in my lip, still bleeding.

-Back off, Alex!-I brushed her off.-If you wanted to give me an hand you should have done it when I was here all alone with that pig!-I told her, pissed. She just looked at me, with her mouth open like she was gonna say something. I shook my head, grabbed my jacket and walked away. I then came back and threw her the keys, violently, hitting her ass.-I won't be home.

-Where will you be then?-She looked at me and scrubbed her ass.

-Around.-I put on my sunglasses and left.


It had been a week. We were on full capacity every single damn day! It felt like a dream, an exhausting dream! Both of us were absolutely drained. Thankfully our resting days were on Mondays and I was never so happy about a Monday in my whole life!

-Kat...-Alex came outside. I was smoking besides the door.-We need to talk.

-No, we don't, Alex.-I pretended everything was alright.

-You're still mad at me...

-Not really. I just chose to surround myself with those who will stand by my side and not run away like pussies.-I answered her. I was really hurt and she knew that mean she would have to put up with my coldest side if she wanted to keep our friendship.

-C'mon, Kat! I panicked!

-Nice to know. I've got work to do.-I threw away my smoke and went back inside.

Oh, man. I was pissed! I had been in a bad mood all week. When these two guys started a fight in my club, I just lost it. We still had no security and if I was pissed off everyday like I was in that day, we wouldn't even need it! I warned them. I tried to set them apart... When they started destroying my club, breaking chairs and tables and throwing down all my paints... Man, I literally lost my feng-shui! I grabbed two beers and smacked them on their heads at the same time.

-Do I need to get a bucket of water and throw it to you like we do to the dogs or is it over?!-I said, pissed the hell off. Bay and Alex were staring at me with their mouths open. Everybody was just staring. Even the music was off for some goddamn reason.

-Sweet, don't you ever do that again!-One of the fighters warned me.

-What you gonna do?! Huh?! This is my fucking house! I don't fucking care if you two kill each other! Do whatever you want! But not in my motherfucking club!-I screamed, not measuring the danger of my own words.

-Do you even know who you're talking to?!-He got in my face.

-Darling, I have no idea who you are outside and I don't really care but in my house you're a client just like everybody else. Therefore, the rules apply to you to.

-I'm Daniel Rodriguez, the...

-Are you def?! I said I don't fucking care! You wanna kill this guy?! I have no fucking problem with it. I really don't fucking care! But keep it outside! Because the moment you start destroying my house, you'll not only have a problem with him. You'll have a problem with me too.

-Bitch, I'm about to break your face!

-Honey, I leave here at 7am everyday. You break my face outside. Not here. I might as well just break yours too and we'll ruin my carpet.-I said sarcastically.-Now, will you show yourself the way out or do I have to?

-I've got you in my black list, puta!-He said as he was leaving.

-I don't know what you called me but same for you, prick!-I put my middle fingers up for him. He just left. The other guy was still there. I looked at him and he looked at me. We stared for an awkward moment. Everybody was silent.-What the hell are you waiting for?! A formal invitation or a kick in the ass?!-He left.-Geez!-I went to the bathroom.

Man, my heart was about to jump out of my chest. There was adrenaline running through my veins so fast I could barely breathe. I couldn't even believe I had said all that... Holly shit!

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