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-YOU DID WHAT?!-Jax screamed. I was sitting in his office, feet over his table. Ace was standing behind him with a look on his face like he was embarrassed.

-What?! He pissed me off!-I answered, carelessly.

-You gotta be fucking kidding me... Ace, where the hell were you?!

-He ain't my dad! He ain't gotta take care of me!

-Someone kick some grammar in this bitch's head or I swear I'm gonna lose my shit! What the hell has gotten into you?! Are you out of your fucking mind?! And get those boots out of my table!-He pushed my feet down aggressively. I raised my eyebrow.

-I tried to stop her, Jax... I couldn't just take the gun out of her hands!-Ace said.

-You ain't gotta explain yourself. I pulled the trigger! It's my fault. You had nothing to do with it. You're just a fucking snitch but that's between you and me.

-KAT!-Richard screamed behind me. Oh boy...-You better tell me this Mexican potato was lying!-He was holding Quintin by the colar.

-Okay. He was lying.-I giggled.

-Are you serious?

-Not really. I'm just doing what you asked me to do.

-KATNISS!-He was pissed. I shrugged my shoulders.

-I killed a motherfucker! So what?!-I got up-He fucked up my business, man! Can we just roll back and remember that he actually beat my ass up, shot me and set my pub on fire?!


-WHAT?! Fuck this shit...-I was going to leave but Richard grabbed me by the arm. I pushed him back, aggressively, without even thinking twice. He was gonna hit me but Ace stopped him.

-Let's just slow down, okay? Kat, your dad is right... I told you not to do it...

-Well, I've got news. I don't need people telling me what to do! I know you all ain't used to having chicks like me around but I do have a brain! I can think by myself!-I said like it was a surprise. Then I let that expression fade and got serious again.

-You've got no respect!-Rich screamed, pissed the hell off.

-Ain't nobody here giving me reasons to respect shit!-I stared him right in the eyes.

-I'll show you something to respect...-He tried to jump on me but Jax interfered.

-Look, Kat-He blew the smoke of his cigar slowly and then kept talking in a dead calm tone.-I don't give a fuck about what you do, who you are, what you want to do with your life. I really don't fucking care. This is still my house though...-He looked me in the eyes.-And as long as you're under my roof, you better show me some motherfucking respect... Because if you don't I'll bust your white ass and dump you in the middle of nowhere like you did to your little friend. I think I would even sleep better. So don't fuck with me, Kat. You can fuck around with everybody in here but don't fuck with me! 'Cause I'm a whole new definition of crazy! Did you understand?-It was getting uncomfortable being stared at so intensely.

-I never said I didn't respect you...-I whispered.

-You did, Kat. But don't do it again... Cause I'll bring a storm on you that will never go away.

-It wasn't what I meant though...-I whispered again. He punched the table, making us all jump.

-I don't give a fuck! I don't give a flying fuck, Kat!-He screamed. He then got up and came closer to me. He was millimeters away from my face. I could feel the smell of the smoke and the hot breath coming out of his mouth.-I hope I'm something you respect... If not, then I'll knock some respect into you up your fucking ass! I'm being as clear as I can but I'll go even clearer for you. Long story short, don't EVER fuck with me, Kat! Because you're a little bug and I'm a motherfucking giant! You will not do to me what your...

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