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My mom grounded me. Or tried to. I had a blast during those 3 days in town. I was drunk all the time and can't remember most of it but it's always nice to see your friends again and still get a free tattoo. However, I had to get back. There was something telling me I should be at the club. My hometown didn't feel like home anymore... And to be honest, I was missing Ace like crazy.

When I got back, Jax seemed worried.

-What's up, Jax?-I patted his back. He jumped.-Jeez!

-You should take vacations...-He told me with a straight face.

-Why?-I served myself a drink.

-Because they know we did it.

-Who?-I asked confused.

-Kat, they remember it was you who took the book!-He put his drink down. I did the same and stood in silence for a while.-You should vanish for a while.

-Give me the book, Jax. I'll return it myself.

-That's not the problem! They're gonna assume you read it and they will hunt you down!-Jax seemed scared.

-So what?! We'll show them who we are and what they're getting into by touching me.-I smiled and served myself another drink.

-You paint the world in black in white, Kat, but you forget there are many other colors...-He got up and left.

Jax didn't seem the same man I once met. He was growing weak and I was not enjoying the course the club was taking. Oh, hell no! I was not gonna be a bunch of pussy's ally! I joined a brotherhood, not the cheerleaders! 

I sat there and took a few more drinks. I wasn't able to sleep in that night. I did not want to lower myself for those scumbags! I was gonna go there, deliver the book and tell them how things work! They could either take it or fake it. I wasn't gonna give them the option to say no.

At 4am in the morning, I called Snake, Quintin and Ace. I told them to meet me at the club. Against their will and with a shitty mood, they did.

-You better have a good reason, Kat!-Ace told me, still with sleepy eyes. I explained them the situation.

-... Now! I will not bow down! We are the motherfucking royalty! They should be kissing the floor we walk on! I will not let Jax...

-Kat!-Snake interrupted me.-Listen to yourself! Jax is the boss! You're just a pup!

-If you don't agree, you can get the fuck out! I don't fucking mind going behind Jax's back if that means keeping the reputation of the club the way it is!

-No, Kat! You need to get back in your place! Jax makes the call, not you!-Snake was always very loyal. If Jax lead him into certain dead, he'd follow.

-Well, I'm not a fucking dog! I'm not gonna follow Jax's ass around and pretend I'm okay with it!

-If you're not okay with it, you get the fuck off of the club!-Snake screamed-Who the hell do you think you are?! You just got here and you think you own anything?! Get back to the shit hole you came from! Jax's our leader and if you're not willing to go down with him, then you're not fucking welcome!

-That's not the fucking point, Snake! I'm not trying to be the boss!

-Then shut the fuck up and go back to sleep!

-Will you fucking listen to me?!


-Fuck this!-I went to Jax's office and got the book.-Jax may talk the talk but I'm gonna walk the fucking walk!

-Put that down before I smack your ass!-He threatened me. I faked a laugh.

-Snake, you're just a dog! Dog's who bark don't bite! You're weak just like Jax so sit down while I get shit done!-I left. Snake was gonna jump on me but Quintin stopped him.

-Kat...-Ace followed me.-KAT!-He grabbed my arm.

-What?!-I pushed him back. He stared right inside my eyes and smiled in this naughty way.

-I'm in...-He whispered.

-What?!-I asked surprised.

-I said I'm in.-He bit his lip. Oh boy! For a moment there, I saw the sparkle back in Ace's eyes and I forgot everything around me.-Just not tonight...-He took the book from me.-I do agree with what you're saying. C'mon.-He pulled me.-Let's make Snake believe I changed your mind.-He dragged me back inside.

-Chill out, bro!-Quintin screamed as he pushed Snake back.

-She's out.-Ace lied.-I talked her out of it.-He went to get himself a drink. Snake and Quintin looked at me, confused and suspicious. I had no idea what to say!

-Yeah... Well...-I scratched the back of my neck.-I'm obviously not going alone... And if you guys aren't down to it... Well... They're gonna get me killed if I go by myself so I'm out. I guess Jax must have a good reason to not want to face them.

-He always has! That's why he's the boss! He knows better, Kat.-Snake answered, still a bit pissed.

-I guess you're right... I let my temperament take the best of me. I'm sorry, man-I looked down.

-No problem, pup!-He giggled and pulled me for a hug. Ace was staring at me with this amused look in his shiny eyes. I smiled to him.-I'm gonna go back to sleep now that you've moved on from that crazy idea. See y'all tomorrow!-He left. Quintin was looking at me with a judging look.

-You can't lie to me, Kat.-He kept giving me that intense look.

-Taco Bells, I wouldn't lie to you.-I checked to see if Snake was really gone. I waited until he disappeared in the dark of the night and then turned to Quintin again.-It's going down!

-She's right, Quintin-Ace came to us.-Jax's acting weird, man. He's growing weak and I won't let this club go down with him because, well, I'm next in line!

-If Jax finds out, he's gonna kill us, Ace!-Quintin walked in circles, scratching his head nervously.

-Only if he finds out...C'mon, Quintin!

-Are you serious?! You're gonna face a whole damn club and you expect him not to know about it?!-He was looking at us, scared.

-That's easy.-I lighted up a smoke.-Either they keep it down or...-I took a sip of the smoke and blew it out slowly. I then looked Quintin straight in the eyes, looking right through his soul. I then ran my thumb on my neck, vertically.

-You're gonna kill them all?

-Don't need to. You kill they're boss and the hit is too big for them to fight us back.

-No, no, no! Kat you'll get retaliation soon from that gang! Don't you get too comfortable! They will be back!-Quintin's eyes were so open I thought they were gonna pop out anytime.

-And I'll be right here. What's all the fuzz for?!

-You two are young and fool! I've seen shit go down so fast you can't even tell how it started!

-Quintin, chill!-Ace helped me out.-I got this!

-You two are crazy... -He ran his hand on his face.

-Nah...-I giggled.-We're just dirty!

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