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It was getting boring in no man's land. My dad would make me get up at 6am because of the damn animals! I mean, I love animals more than I love people but jezz! At 6 am I should be on my second dream, not feeding the fucking chickens!

There was no internet to make it all worse. Basically there was nothing else to do but take care of the animals and well... That was pretty much it. We were far from everything and Richard had parked the car far away from me this time.

It was 10pm of my punishment's second night. I was laying in bed, almost falling asleep. There was this constant thought in my mind that wouldn't let me sleep. Richard seemed distant. He hadn't even said anything about my crash. He didn't even mention it! Knowing him like I did, he was supposed to scream and yell and kick the shit out of me. But he didn't. His head was constantly on the moon. He wasn't as talkative as he used to be. Something was up, I just didn't know what it was.

Before I could dig any deeper in my thoughts, my phone lighted up. I grabbed it. There was a message. I obviously opened it, hoping it would be one of the boys. I didn't know the number. It said:"Window". I didn't know who it was but I had an idea. I got up slowly and checked the window. Ace was standing in my backyard, leaning against the fence, smoking his cigarette. When he noticed me he opened his arms like he was saying "what are you waiting for?". I smiled and put on a long shirt as if it was a dress. I then put on some knee high socks and opened the window. I had no idea how I was gonna go down. Ace looked at me. I shrugged my shoulders. He put down his smoke and climbed up to my window, making it look easy.

-You're such a nerd!-He whispered, laughing silently.

-I never needed to sneak out, man! I'd just go right out of the door!-I answered back, feeling a bit offended.

-C'mon. Put your legs outside.-He told me. I did. I didn't know I was afraid of heights until that point.-Nice. Now just follow me.

He turned himself, back against the house's walls and jumped to this little cabin my dad had built to keep his tools. He then looked back at me and told me to jump, shaking his hand in the air. Oh man, no way I was gonna take that jump! It was at least 10 feet wide!

-C'mon!-He whispered. I had no other option, did I? I took a deep breath and jumped like he told me to. He grabbed my hand and next thing I know, I was hanging from the damn roof!-Dammit, Kat! You were supposed to keep your eyes open! I'm gonna drop you. You're almost on the floor.-He dropped my hand and I landed on my feet. I was like 3ft from the floor when he dropped me. My knees hit the house hard. I sat on the floor, scratching them. Ace showed up from the other side. He looked at me and started laughing.-What a nerd!

-Shut up, Michael! This is your fault!-I was mad at first. It only made him laugh more. I ended up laughing too.

-Let's go. I left my car down the street so your dad wouldn't see me.-He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the fence.-Can you climb it or...?

-Michael!-He laughed and bended, crossing his fingers, making a little step for me to climb on. I stepped in and he threw me up in the air. I didn't know he was that strong. He laughed at my clumsy ways.

-You're gonna kill me, Kat...-He said in between laughs, trying to remain silent. Then he climbed up and down the fence, easily. I was still hanging at the top.-C'mon. I'll catch you.

-How the hell am I supposed to go back inside?!-I asked and tried to make my way down. He laughed his ass off all the way. When I finally reached the floor, he was able to control himself.

-Let's enjoy the night. We'll worry about that when we get back. Now come.-He grabbed my hand again and made me run besides him all the way to the car.


When I woke up, the sun was up in the sky, piercing through the ceiling window. As I sat in bed, my head started hurting so much I felt like I had drums inside it. I couldn't even see straight. I still tried and looked around. That's when it hit me. It should be around midday and I was laying in Ace's mattress! Naked! Man, I jumped out of bed and ran around looking for my clothes. Ace was nowhere to be seen. I couldn't find my panties so I just left without them.

By then, Richard had probably called Jax and I was fucked! If they ever found out I was with Ace doing God knows what I'd be permanently banned from the city and I was sure Jax wasn't kidding about it. I stopped near a bookstore and stole a book. I didn't have my wallet but I would pay it eventually.

I ran my way back to Richard's but Physical Education was never my fav subject. When I got there it was way past lunch time. Jax and Richard were at the gates, looking worried as hell which surprised me.

-Kat!-Richard screamed and hugged me.-Where were you?!

-I went to buy myself a book.-I showed it to him.-I'm sorry I didn't say anything... I was up early and I just thought it was closer. Guess not... I'm sorry, dad...-I used this innocent voice and looked down.

-It's okay. Just warn me next time.-My dad went to Jax. Jax didn't buy it though.

-Kat-He whispered as he was walking pass me.-Any idea where Ace is? I haven't seen him ever since last night...-He was staring at me like he knew what I was hiding.

-Like I said, I just went to buy a book, Jax. Sorry.-I walked away, going home. I could feel him staring at me but I didn't have the balls to look back.

I went straight to my bedroom and closed the door. I had no idea what the hell had happened between me and Ace in the previous night. All I could remember was partying and then it was a big time lapse in my mind. I did wake up naked... Oh man!

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