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When I woke up, Jax was standing in front of my bed. My bedroom door was open. It should be around 3pm. At first, my vision was so fucked up, I couldn't even see who was standing in front of me. I sat in bed and scrubbed my eyes.

-You look like shit!-He said. I opened my eyes. It was better but still not crystal clear.-What the hell happened to you?

-Good question...-My voice barely came out. I then got up and looked myself in the mirror. One of my eyes was black and I had this cut on my cheekbone. I couldn't remember getting my ass wiped but I guess I did.-I was drunk. I have no idea.

-Are you good to roll?-He took a sip from his cigar. I looked at him and smiled a bit.

-Are you gon' keep making stupid questions throughout the day? -He rolled his eyes and went down.

-Don't make me wait.

I took a shower, did my make up, got some clothes on and ran down to Jax. He was leaning against his bike. With no words spoken, both of us got on his bike and rode on. He took me to the club. Quintin ran to me right away. Snake just left. I didn't really care. I just wanted the booze.

-C'mon, Kat. I gotta tell you the details.-Jax informed me.

-Sure!-I followed him taking a wrong turn at the bar and then right into his office. He closed the door behind me. I sat down and drank my whiskey.

-So...-He sat down too and looked to my glass in a judgmental way.-Don't you ever stop drinking?

-Wasn't this about business?

-Suit yourself!-He let himself fall back in his chair.-Here's the deal. The gang is back. They joined forces with that club... They're aiming for our club. Now, that's your problem! So, I hope you fix it before we get caught in the crossfire! Because if that happens...

-How the fuck am I supposed to solve that? I thought you needed my help! After all you brought me here just to blame me?!-I was getting pissed.

-No. You're gonna apologize to them and inform them that you're out of the club.-My chin dropped. I could barely believe what he was saying.

-What the fuck?!-Jax took a sip of his beer calmly and then put it to rest over the table.

 -You heard me, Kat.-I stared at him for a while and then my balloon just popped. I got up and slapped his beer, making it hit the floor violently and break.

-What the fuck is wrong with you?!-I screamed right in his face.-You're not the same Jax I once met! I'm fucking sick of being quiet! You're old and too weak for this shit! Give the fuck up once for all! You're ruining the fucking club!

-Shut the fuck up!-He got up too.-Who the fuck do you think you are?!-He screamed right in my face.-Sit back in your place, Kat! You don't wanna do this with me!

-Oh, yes I do! You're not a leader anymore! Let Ace lead them! You're dragging them all down!

-I'm gonna turn your other eye black, Katniss! I am fucking warning you!

-DO IT THEN! BUT LOOK AT YOURSELF IN THE MIRROR AND REALIZE YOU'RE TOO FUCKING OLD FOR THIS!-I screamed and he just punched me, making me fall back in my chair. He then shook his hand.

-I fucking warned you!-He hit me in the cut cheekbone, making it bleed again. I wiped the blood and stood up again.

-You know what?-I faked a laugh.-You can stop worrying about them. I'll do what you said.

-Good!-He faked a smile.

-But you get fucking ready! Because I'm coming for you, Jax!-I pointed my finger at him.

-And what you gonna do?!-He got closer to me again.-You're gonna steal my club like your mother did?!

-Juliet?-I was genuinely surprised. He laughed.

-Ah, you're so dumb! Jeez! I haven't got anything to worry about when it comes to you.

-Oh, Jax... If I wanted, this club could be mine by now!-He got serious again.-But don't worry, I don't want the club. I want you and I'm gonna hunt you down...

-Guys...-Ace said from the door. Me and Jax were a finger away from each other.-What the hell is going on?

-Nothing. I'm just sick of hanging out with puppies!-I left. He followed me.

-Kat! Wait!-He grabbed my arm when we got outside.-What happened?

-Yeah, act like you don't know!-I pushed him back.

-I fucking don't!-He pointed to where his "vice-president" patch used to be. There was nothing there but an empty space.

-Oh shit... Are you serious?-He shook his head affirmatively.-Jax took it from you?

-Yup... Next in line is a boots' licker! Some young kid which I had never noticed. He was really pissed...

-Damn... Something is up with Jax. He told me to apologize to those bastards... -Ace scratched his head and sighted.

-What you gonna do?

-I don't know, man...-I leaned against some car on the street and lighted a smoke.-I'm not gonna apologize though! I don't wanna say it but... I feel like... It's just an opinion...

-Jax should go.-I looked him right in the eyes.

-Exactly. He's not the same. He's running out of gas right in front of our eyes.

-So what do you want to do?-He leaned against the car too, besides me.

-I need the book, Ace...-He opened his eyes a lot, looking at me.

-No, Kat! That's not doable!

-I believe it has the answers... C'mon, Ace! What's so fucking bad about it?!

-Kat... I...-He looked down and stood silently for a while. He then took a deep breath and looked at me again.-I don't know.

-Then get me the book!

-Jax always said it was bad, that we should never touch it...

-C'mon! It's no satanic bible or some black magic rituals' book! Bring it to me. I'll take it from there...-He sighted.-I also need to stay at your place...

-Fine... Go home then. I'll bring you the book.-I was so happy, I even hugged him.

I couldn't believe I finally had talked Ace into letting me read the book. I couldn't believe I was finally gonna understand what the hell was truly going on! I was so excited and anxious, my heart was racing fast, my breathing was speeded up, I couldn't sit still!

Little did I know... I really had no idea! I was fooled like a kid half of my damn life! But what hurt the most was realizing, it wasn't just a lie. It was a whole system of bullshit! It wasn't just Jax. It was much bigger and I had never even suspected anything... But lies have short legs and eventually you catch them all.

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