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-I still don't understand why...-I whispered as he put down another glass of whiskey. He then stared at me and smiled.

-I loved your mother to death! I still love her... She was such a strong independent woman... She was everything a guy could wish for. When you were born, I was so happy! You were perfect and looked so much like her... When she died, I lost my ground. I couldn't even function. I just wanted us to be what we were so I... I got us in a car and I speeded against a truck. I got out alive but you were dead when 911 got there. They brought you back to life and Richard kicked the living shit out of me. After that, I left. I couldn't live with the guilt...-He looked down ashamed.-But it's still here and I've learnt to live with it every single day of my life.

-So you left me?-I admit I was a bit judgmental but what else would I be?!

-Kat...-He looked me in the eyes.-You gotta understand...

-No. Mom died because of you all!-He got angry all of a sudden.

-The moment your mom died we all did!

-I don't have to understand anything. You all lied to me my whole life!

-Kat don't be stupid! Why do you think you have your mom's name and not mine? I knew eventually you'd start questioning and find me. I just wanted to be sure you'd be ready for it...

I looked him in the eyes, then looked down and smiled. I knew that was our first and last time. He sighted and put down another glass of whiskey. We stood in silence for a long time and then I got up. With no words spoken, I just left. He didn't even move.

When I got outside, my head was turned upside down. I was so mad... I don't even know what I was feeling. I just wanted to pick the world up and smack it! I walked down the road and soon Richard was on his bike behind me. I stopped and he stopped by my side. We looked at each other. I looked down and climbed in his bike.

We didn't talk. He didn't know what to say and I had so much to say if I opened my mouth I wouldn't make any sense... He took me to the club. Jax was waiting by the door. Ace was besides him.

-Kat...-Jax whispered and looked at me. I walked right pass him and drank directly from a bottle. I didn't even know what I was drinking. It tasted awful though.-KAT!-He grabbed my arm aggressively. I pushed him back.

-Don't you FUCKING dare to touch me, Jax. I'm out of myself so please! Keep your damn mouth shut before I shut it forever!-I threatened him. He smiled.

-You're out of the club, Kat.-He patted my back and left. I looked at Ace. He didn't have his jacket anymore. I raised on eyebrow. He let out a little smile and blinked his eyes slowly. Then he shrugged his shoulders and threw his gun over the table.

-You're gonna regret this, Jax.-He looked Jax dead in the eyes.

-I'm pretty sure you will regret it first.-Jax grabbed Ace's gun. Ace let out a laugh.

-I'm pretty sure I won't... But hey, wait a second. There's something I've been wanting to do ever since this started...-He walked up to me, grabbed me by the arm and looked me in the eyes.-You're a crazy fucking bitch, Kat!-For a second I felt offended but then he smiled.-That's why I think you should be mine.-He then kissed me in the most rough way, literally kissing me so hard I almost fell over the balcony. At first, I was so surprised I didn't even have a reaction but then... Oh boy, then I carved my nails in his shoulder over his shirt and kissed him back just as hard. He then stopped and bit my ear. I closed my eyes.-Don't get scared, baby...-He whispered and looked me deep inside my eyes. I knew he was up to something. I'll never forget the look in his face. He grabbed my hand and put it right above his dick. I felt my cheeks get red but then I felt the shape of the gun between his pants. He smiled and kissed my neck.-This club is ours...-He whispered again and looked me in the eyes again.

Oh man... I knew exactly what he wanted me to do. All of a sudden I had a vision, a throwback like my mom's life was flashing before my eyes. My hand was resting over the gun hidden between his pants and his belly. He was looking at me like he was challenging me. My palms were sweaty. I was just looking down. He kissed my forehead.

-You two can get the fuck out of my club NOW!-Jax screamed. I don't know what happened. I felt like I had been pushed out of the edge. My grip around the gun became harder. Ace got a little closer to me. I raised my eyes up to Jax.

-I don't think so, Jax... I think it's time you get the fuck out of MY club!-I pulled the gun out of Ace's pants, pushed him to the side making him fall and shot Jax right in the heart. He tried to raise Ace's other gun up to me but he was out of strength. I walked up to him as he fell to his knees and took it from his hands.-This belongs to someone else. Bye, Jax.-I kicked him back and turned my back on him, leaving him to die.

Everybody was staring at me. Richard was pale like a ghost. I handed the gun back to Ace and helped him up. He had a smile as big as his face.

-You did it...-He whispered to me.

-I'm not done yet.-I smiled to him as his smile faded. I think I saw a little bit of fear in his eyes. I got up on a table and looked at the guys.-Breaking news. I own the club. Does anybody have something to say? Speak now or shut your mouth forever!-Nobody said a word.-For real? So y'all happy I'm up here? Nice! You guys could've said it! Jax would still be alive... We would've gone through elections-I joked.

-You don't own the club...-Someone said.

-What's that?

-I said...-Snake walked up to the front line.-You don't own the club!

-Oh really?-I felt my heart breaking. I knew what had to be done but he was always a great friend. Ace looked away, knowing what would happen.

-You don't and you never will. Jax is still our leader.-He said. Loyal as a dog, his loyalty was the death of him.

-Then I hope he leads you into Heaven, Snake.-I clenched my free fist, looked away and shot him in the head. I then closed my eyes as one tear rolled down my cheek. Quintin ran to his lifeless body and started crying, screaming. Richard was shocked.-Anybody else?-Nobody said a word but I could feel the hate. I could feel the fire burning inside them. I wasn't gonna be their leader, not even if I killed them all one by one. But they were gonna follow my lead, no matter what I had to do. They were gonna respect me.

-WHAT HAVE YOU DONE, KAT?!-Quintin screamed to me. I looked to him.

-Slow down, Taco Bells. I like you so keep your tone low before I lose it...-I looked him in the eyes. He stared for a while but then lowered his head.-Good. Now all of you, go and clean up this mess.

I turned my back on them and jumped to the floor. Ace came to me and kissed me. He then looked me deep in the eyes, wiping the tears who were starting to roll down my cheek again. He pulled up my chin and smiled. He didn't need to say a word. He kissed me once again.

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