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-Ace!-I heard Jax exclaim behind us. He stopped kissing me right away, looking over my shoulder pissed and then at me. He then got in his bike and drove away fast. I watched him leave as I cleaned my tear and then looked at Jax.

-Is he serious?

-No relationships between members, Kat.-Richard was standing behind Jax. I was finally starting to realize why he wasn't so mad about me being in the club. I looked back at Jax.

-Can I ask why?

-Because relationships are bad for the club.-He turned his back on me. I followed him.


-Because the moment you care about someone you start doing stupid shit for them!

-That's stupid! We all care about each other!-I said still walking after him. He stopped way too abruptly, at his office door, and turned to me, making me almost bump into him. He looked at me and then smiled.

-Good thing I'm still the one who makes the rules!-He let his smile drop and slammed the door in my face.

I sighted and turned around to see my dad behind me. I wanted to scream and fight but I was way too weak. My birthday was bittersweet... Oh well. In that moment I could only imagine how I'd change Jax's mind. Knowing Jax like I did, I had to find a really good reason.

Time flew by and I didn't even notice it. I was lost in my mind, thinking about Ace. Should I leave the club or forget about Ace? I couldn't get him off of my mind!  I knew he was somewhere thinking of me too... And that was when it hit me. Did I really want to be at home, not knowing his whereabouts? Did I really want a guy that could never offer me stability? Did I really want someone who would make me and our children a target? Did I really want to be nothing but the boss' wife? Did I really want to become an old lady? Jax said I was meant for great things... And deep down I've always felt like I really was! This relationship with Ace would bring me nothing big, nothing great. I didn't want to be the boss' wife! I didn't want to be an old lady! I wanted to be the boss. I wanted to be a lady! Not someone's property, be my own property! I didn't want to spend my life scared of what could be after my kids... I didn't want to stay up late every night wondering where he was, what he was doing, who he was with... If he was still alive! I didn't want to be his weakness but most of all, I didn't want him to be my weakness. Maybe Jax and Richard weren't so wrong after all.

When I noticed, everybody was gone. Jax was leaving.

-You're still gonna stay?-He asked me.

-Yes. Please don't lock the bar-I giggled. He sighted.

-Ace is not gonna come back tonight, Kat. C'mon! I'll take you home.

-Thanks Jax but I just really need a drink.

-Suit yourself.-He threw me the keys and left.

I went inside. Deep down, I was hoping Ace would come because I knew seeing him would change my mind before I got my head straight on leaving him behind. I was also hoping I wouldn't see him because I wanted to do great things!

I put a drink down.

I put another drink down and then I got bored. It was 3am and i had nothing to do! Jax's office seemed to be shining! Man, i had nothing to do so I decided I'd do some digging. Why the hell didn't Jax allow relationships in the club?! I was hoping to find some girl he was madly in love with but instead, at 5am in the morning, in a secret part of his desk, I found an old, dusty book. The tittle was "Valley Rebels MC: a book of memories". I turned the first pages. It was handwritten. For some reason, it felt familiar and easy to read even though it was a fucked up handwriting the writer had.

I sat on Jax's chair, ready to find out the reason why he wouldn't allow relationships in the club. I didn't get too far though. Right after turning the first pages, someone opened the club's door. I shoved the book back in its place and left through the backdoors before someone would catch me.

The Dirty Angels MCWhere stories live. Discover now