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Ace was in charge. He told me to play low and I did. I admit. I was madly in love with his bad side. Whatever he told me to do with that shine in his eyes, I'd do without even questioning it.

It was a nice, calm week. Jax should've known better. Nothing's ever so quiet in a clubhouse unless something is happening behind your back! But Jax was far from the clubhouse. His head was in the clouds. Things were moving right under his nose and he just couldn't see it.

One night, I was quietly drinking my whiskey, tasting it when someone pulled my hair softly from behind, making me lay my head to the side. I just knew it was Ace. His smell was something I could never mistake. He kissed my neck softly. I didn't stop him. He then let me feel his breath go up to my ear.

-It's going down tonight...-He whispered and bit my ear softly. Oh man! My heart was racing so fast I couldn't help but breathe heavily. He then smiled and just left. Ace and his so sexy way of leaving me miserable.

Jax left and when I noticed, not everybody was there but at least half of the club was, which really surprised me. Ace got up on this table, in the middle of us all.

-Listen up, Angels! It's going down! The plan is to go in and out without using lethal force but feel free to give in to your fists' will! Nobody's gonna threaten our club! We own this side of the town! And soon we'll own theirs too. Let's show them who's the damn boss!-The boys cheered him. He came to me and gave me the book.-You'll be making the delivery.-I grabbed it.-They need to know our women aren't just ol' ladies.

-Thanks...-I whispered, blushing.

-You show them who's in charge, Kat. I got your back... But only because you've got a damn sweet ass!-He joked.

-So funny!-I punched his shoulder not too hard. He put his arm around me and dragged me outside.

The boys got in their bikes. Some of the non cooperative members' houses were on the way so we decided not to ride together. We would all meet about 5 miles from their clubhouse and we'd go so hard they wouldn't even know what hit them.


It was beautiful! We were occupying the whole road, side by side. Ace was in the middle with me. Yes! I was given the right to ride along in that night! All by myself! I just felt like home.

When they heard our bikes, they came outside. The look in their faces was priceless. Ace stopped his bike and stood up. I was standing besides him. He looked at me and smiled. I can't deny. I was pretty nervous. I grabbed his hand.

-What the fuck is th... YOU!-Their boss recognized me.-You fucking...

-WATCH IT!-Ace screamed in a threatening way. There was a long period of staring between the two of them, like they were measuring strength, power.-I thought we should come and introduce ourselves.-Ace was holding my hand really hard. I just knew his blood was boiling under his skin.-We are The Dirty Angels.

-What do I fucking care?! That bitch took our book!

-The bitch you talking about is my girlfriend!-I looked at him and blushed. He looked so damn sure of his words that I almost believed him.

-Why should I care?!

-'Cause I'll rip your head off and kick it up your ass if you keep talking to her like that!-I had to hold Ace down. If I wasn't there he would be in his face.

-So scary!-He laughed.

-I got your book.-I told him and let go of Ace. I walked up to the front. I then threw his book to him and spit on the floor. He looked at me like he was gonna kill me.

-You've got some balls, bitch!

-And next time you threaten us, I'm gonna make you drop to your fucking knees and suck them! So you better acknowledge your place and stay there! Because if you push the limits again...-I looked back and then back at him.-We're gonna hit you so fucking hard you won't even be able to whine!-I walked back to Ace, who was smiling in a sick way I didn't quite understand. He then took it from there.

-So here's how it's going to be. You can either be with us or against us. There's no in between.-Ace warned them.-You stay out of our way and we won't bother you much. You piss us off and we kill you all. Easy, right?

-You know...-The boss giggled.-I respect your lady more than I respect you. You can go suck my dick!-I held Ace's arm and put myself in front of him before he could do something.-And she has got a damn nice butt! Oh man!

-Ace...-I whispered and pulled his chin down, making him look to me.-You know what you gotta do...-I smiled and kissed him. He kissed me back, grabbed the gun that I was wearing between my pants and my belly, pushed me away and shot the boss dead.

-WHO'S NEXT?!-He screamed. Luckily, the bastards couldn't reach their guns before our boys had them surrounded.-That's what I thought!

Eventually, when everything was finally under control, we all headed home. I decided to crash at Ace's. I was too tired to drive home. He served us a drink, already inside. The house was clean which told me he was indeed expecting my visit.

-That was pretty badass...-I whispered to him.

-Couldn't have done it without you though...-He made a long pause and then took a sip of his drink. He giggled and spoke, still looking down at his glass.-We do make a good team...

-Are you trying to say something, Michael?-He looked at me serious as I said his name.

-I am. You should be mine, Kat!-I could sense all the frustration and the raw lust in his voice.

-You were the one who gave me away, Ace...-I put my drink down. He stared at me for a while.

-And now I'm taking you back.-He pushed me against the wall and kissed my lips furiously. I couldn't even play hard to get. I wanted him just as much as he wanted me.

It was a long, long, loooong night... But I wouldn't change a thing.

The Dirty Angels MCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora