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-I'M GONNA KILL YOU, BITCH!-She screamed at me, still kicking and throwing punches in  the air. I took a deep breath.

-Let go of me!-I got myself free and wiped the blood from my eyebrow.-I'm outta here. You can keep being a child. I don't fucking care.-I turned my back on her.

I left the apartment just like I was. My hair all fucked up, bleeding and my clothes all ripped up. I leaned against the building, smoking. The boys came outside too.

-Dios Mio! What the hell, Kat?!-Quintin said. His clothes were all ripped too. I just shrugged my shoulders.

-Like I said, I ain't got a problem smacking a bitch.-I massaged my knuckles.

-Yeah, but it wasn't my fault.

-If you're all gonna be around me, I have one rule. Don't fucking stand in my way 'cause when I get in that stage, all I see is red and Imma whoop everybody's ass and I don't even care! THAT FUCKING BITCH DOESN'T EVEN KNOW WHERE I CAME FROM!

-Shut up...-That handsome boy said with a dead calm voice.-I've had enough of chick fights for today. I wanna go back to my club!

I finally was able to really see him, calmly. He was indeed a nice piece! Damn! In his jacket over his chest, it was written "Vice-President" He was just so handsome I couldn't stop looking, however Alex wasn't done. Behind him, I started seeing my things falling.

-BITCH, IS THIS YOURS?!-She screamed from the window. The boys looked at her and before they could even tell I was back upstairs.

I grabbed Alex's hair and pulled her out of the window violently, making her fall. I was pissed off! We rolled on the floor, just smacking each other. I mean real punches, real kicks! We were both at each other's throat and it was not gonna stop. The boys set us apart again.


-Stop it, Katniss!-The boy said, putting himself in front of me and did a sign for the other one to let go of me.-Soon the cops will be here and take both of you.

-Get out of my way.-I warned him. He scratched his head and then crossed his arms, standing in front of me.  I was about to move when he interrupted me.-Don't you dare!-He stared me right in the eyes, pissed the hell off. I wasn't myself anymore. I tried to jump on her, right over him. I was still able to slap her and grab her hair.

You can probably imagine the scene. I was pulling her hair, they were pulling me, Quintin was holding her down... It was crazy, man! Just to think we were once friends...

They were finally able to make me let go of her and took me away. They threw me in a van and just left me by myself in the back. I was pissed off! So pissed off I was literally crying out of anger. The drive wasn't too long. When they opened the doors, we were in the middle of nowhere. The boy seemed mad as hell!

-Get her outside!-He kept walking in circles, combing his hair to the back of his head. The other guy grabbed me by one arm and pulled me outside. Before I knew it, the Vice president was throwing me against the van, both arms besides my head, staring me dead in the eyes. I must admit... I almost shit my pants.-What you did back there, ignore me, disrespect me, walk all over me, fucking jump on me! That shit is not gonna happen again! Did you understand?!-He was speaking in this deep threatening tone.-I'm not your little friend Alex! So don't you fucking DARE to EVER challenge me like that again! Because it took me a lot to stay calm. Next time you might not be so lucky! ARE WE FUCKING CLEAR?!-I was just crying from how pissed off I was. The tears were rolling down my cheeks and even though I tried to clean them, I just couldn't help it. I guess it did help me though. He was staring at me and I was just staring down. At some point, my tears softened him. He backed off a bit and took a deep breath.-Come on. No need to be crying.

-It just pisses me off!-I punched the van and broke down crying.

-Come on!-He helped me back up.-Don't cry... Come on...

-You don't understand!-I pushed him. I saw rage take over him for a second but then he closed his eyes for a while and it was gone.-Alex was my best friend! This was our dream! And it still is my dream! The only reason why I pushed her away was to protect her because this is not the first time I'm in this shit! And she doesn't fucking see it! She... She... AHHH!!!-I screamed and just sat on the floor crying again.

Nobody touched me this time. They let me cry for about 10 minutes. I was feeling so hurt, so backstabbed, so helpless! Alex would never understand and I just couldn't tell her because even if it sounds cliché, if I told her she'd become a target. It's just how it works. When you get into this life, the best thing you can do is push away everybody that ever meant anything to you. It is how it is.

After those 10 minutes, the boy kneeled besides me and offered me a smoke, with a cute smile in his face, which faded right away when the cut in his lip reopened. He put a finger over it for a while and then licked off the blood.

-C'mon, pretty face.-As I looked up to him I noticed the 1%er diamond patch. I just stared at it for a long time. He ended up following my eyes and then pulling my chin up.-Let it go. Relax. You'll be fine.-I stared inside his eyes and just took the smoke.

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