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Time went by. Ace became the leader but I was never exactly an old lady. He did wear the jacket and the patch but the decision was ours, not just his. It was my club too.

I was on top of the world. Clothes, shoes, diamonds and cars... Whatever I wanted was mine before I could even ask for it. I didn't even have to wait for Christmas. If my eyes shined a little brighter, whatever I was looking at was mine. Ace and I were madly in love... He had my back like nobody else.

The things we'd do between 4 walls... Oh man... It wasn't just sex, it wasn't just love. It was something bigger than us. His touch and his mouth on my belly, his heavy breathing on my skin and his grip, his tongue finding its way down, doing wonders in between my legs. His cold hands on my waist holding me down, I was unable to move until I'd melt under him. My lips going down his chest and belly, my nails carved deep in his ribs, my mouth driving him crazy like no one had before. His strength, pushing me against the bed, his hands wrapped on mine, holding my arms above my head. The thrust, the pushing and pulling, our bodies covered in sweat. We were going slow but slow doesn't meant soft. Our bodies felt like inversed magnets, attracting each other so hard it was almost impossible to break the pace. Finally, dripping sweat, shaking, our bodies would come together in one final push and we'd melt together, fusing into each other. His eyes were staring deep inside mine and my soul was as naked as his. Anyone can undress your clothes and make you feel like you're the most beautiful women on earth but once you find someone who can undress your soul still make you feel the same way, that's when you really find true love. It doesn't matter if you're Beyoncé on the outside. Time is a motherfucker. It doesn't matter. You're gonna age and your boobs will fall, your belly will get bigger. You're not gonna be young and beautiful forever. However, the moment you find someone who can have sex with your soul, it doesn't really matter what's on the outside because that's the thing about life. It has a fucked up way of showing you material stuff doesn't matter! Your body will age, your clothes will get ruined, everything will grow old... Everything but your soul... And as long as I had Ace, my soul would always be burning in desire.

Richard left town. He left one week after we took over the club. He said he was going on a road trip with Juliet but he never came back... And he never will. Sometimes I wish Heaven had wi-fi. They flied out of a cliff. No matter what anyone says, I still think it was intentional. I don't blame them. I blame myself. If I ever saw my son doing the things I did, I'd probably do the same.

My dad, my biological dad, was found dead a few weeks ago. He drank too much and made the mistake of driving his bike. The road is a bitch and if you don't hold your ground it sure as hell won't hold it for you. It made me sad. It didn't hurt. I didn't even know the man but it did mess with my head... We could've talked more, try to get to know each other a little better, at least so I could try and find myself but I think I'll have to go the old fashioned way and find myself by myself...

Nine months ago, I found out I was expecting my baby boy... Bad timing, that's what I call it! I guess the Jackson's will never get lucky. I was so happy all I wanted was to tell Ace but as soon as I got to the club I saw Ace on his knees. Quintin was holding a gun to his head. The guy by the door tried to stop me but it was my fiancé there!

-WHAT THE FUCK?!-I screamed. Quintin looked at me and smiled.

-Finally!-He unlocked his gun.

-Ace, I'm pregnant!-I screamed before he could shoot. He looked at me with his eyes sparkling! He was so happy... And then Quintin blew his brains all over the place.

I didn't even have time to feel a thing. The moment the echo was gone, Quintin looked at me. His eyes were shining like he was a starving wolf and I was a dumb rabbit. I knew this moment was coming ever since I killed Snake. It was just a matter of time... But I always loved Quintin like a brother! I sincerely did not expect him to betray us like this, specially after so many years! But he did and I ran for our lives! If it was just mine, I would've died right there besides Ace but I was carrying a part of him! I was carrying a product of our love and they could kill both of us but I'd do anything to keep our love alive.

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