Author's note

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Hey guys! You all doing alright? I know these chapters have been short and maybe even a bit rough to read. I apologize for it but to be honest, I'm just trying not to "write myself to death". I still have to work during the day and then school at night and I have my pets which are just as demanding as toodles. As I'm writing this my Lil mouse is just pushing my arm with his nose demanding a pet in the back and soon the rabbit will be jumping in my lap jealous and then the cat and oh man... If I don't pay attention to them, they'll destroy my house! And I'm not joking! They will!

Anyway, the thing is I'm just trying the best I can but I have been sleeping 3 to 5 hours a day and I am literally drained! I won't be taking a break. We all know I can't stop writing but I will probably keep going with the short chapters until I'm back on my feet again.

By the way, I wanted to ask you guys some feedback! What do you think about it so far? What can I improve? What do you think its gonna happen?

Well, I can't tell you exactly where this is all going but let me tell you, we just started. The twisting and turning is still yet to come. Stay tuned!


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