Chapter 60

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After a few moments of John putting down Blackmir's body, Valerius goes towards John and ask him.

"So, what are you going to do now, John."

"I'm going to do, what I was supposed to do a long time ago. What every vampire, even The Cornivous family failed to do."

"Oh yeah, what is that?" Said Ellie eager to know.

"Be the bridge of two worlds, humans and vampires coexisting together. No more war between us."

"I like the sound of that." Said Valerius smiling.

"Yeah me too. I already know what am going to call this club of vampires that they don't want to fight anymore." Said John looking at the sky.

Master Harry and King Harvey comes near them and ask John.

"Really, I'm quite curious what's going to be called." Said Master Harry.

"The Cornivous Club."

"I like that kid." Said King Harvey smiling.

Then a wizard yells to everyone.

"Look!! The sun is coming out!!"

The black clouds that were covering the sky all those years ago since London fall, they finally starting to disappear and give way to light. You could see the sun rising.

"Well, I guess that my signal to leave." Said John smiling at everyone.

"Be careful, kid and take care." Said King Harvey putting his hand in his left shoulder.

John chuckles.

"Oh, and John. This is where your story begins." Said Master Harry looking at him very proud and happy.

John then smiles at everyone again and transforms his body into a lot of bats and leaves before the sun touches him.

"Val, come." Said Ellie in a hurry.

Ellie grabbed Val's hand taking him to a hill to watch the sunrise. It was something beautiful to see. They were extremely happy that it was over... was it?

"Finally, the dark times are over." Said Ellie smiling at the sunrise.

"Yeah, finally we can rest." Said Valerius starering at the sun rising. "Come on, they need our help back in Camelot."

After burning most of the dead bodies of their fallen friends and watching especially three of them being burned, all of the people that survived were paying their respect for their scarifies. Master Harry, King Harvey, Valerius, and Ellie were the saddest for losing for real this time Thomas, Harper, and Michael.

Finally, everyone returns into the City of Leona's that is in ruins.

After a few days, Master Harry summoned King Harvey to his Chamber to talk about Apocalypse.

"All right Harry, I'm listening."

"I looked into the future and it doesn't look good."

"How many possible futures you saw?"

"Too many to count."

"Please tell me we win."

"In some possible futures we do but at a high cost. Now I'm going to show you the only one that I consider we don't have to sacrifice too much."

Master Harry shows King Harvey that future with the Pruma and what is the price to pay to save the world from Apocalypse.

"You got to be kidding!!" Snap King Harvey in shock.

"It's the only one that we don't have to sacrifice too much to win."

King Harvey sighs.

"All right Harry, I trust you. If you say it's the only way, so be it."

Meanwhile, in another land that is already Nighttime, this land has a lot of ancient history of magic and weird creatures. It has a lot of miles and miles of sand. Suddenly in this land, a portal opens, and Dracula falls into this land. He wakes up and sees a big pyramid and starts laughing.

"Hahahahah. Hello old friend. It's being a lifetime since I have seen you, The Mummy!"


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