Chapter 9

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Back with Marcus and Valmir, both of them start getting concerned that they haven't come back yet and that the sun it's about to come out.

"Valmir!" Call's out loud Marcus.

"Yes, my prince!" Replied Valmir.

"In the meanwhile, we wait for them you should repair the castle. I don't want my father to come and see all this mess." Said Marcus worried that his father finds out that the two brothers are making such a mess.

"Of course, my prince!" Said Valmir understanding Marcus's problem.

Valmir and the other witches were repairing the castle with their magic, lifting pieces of rock and putting them back together.

Back with John, Conor, and Edward, the three of them were waiting for the sun to go down and they were talking.

"So, Conor why those the prince summons me?" Said Edward trying to figure out why prince Marcus summon him.

"He needs your help, after all, you are the strongest vampire we know."

"The strongest vampire!!" Said John's surprise.

"That's right! He was the second one of being bitten." Said Conor.

"I beg your pardon! I think I don't fully understand?"

"Look what Conor it's trying to say it's that I was the second one of being bitten by Dracula, the first one was Lord Victor Cornivous, he was the first one being bit by Dracula and believe me, young doctor, Lord Victor it's really strong."

"WOW!! I..." John got interrupted by Edward.

"Which reminds me Conor, where is Lord Victor? Why didn't he summon me?"

"I don't know where he is, he left the castle, and no one knows where he is."

"I do. Prince Marcus said to me that he went to Egypt trying to look for or fighting something called "The Mummy"." Said, John

"The Mummy?" Said Conor not understanding what John is saying.

"Oh, no old friend." Said Edward worried.

"What? What happened?" Ask John.

"He is not looking to fight The Mummy; he is looking for the mummy's magic." Said Edward very serious and with a worried face.

"For what?" Ask Conor.

"So, he can revive his wife."

"His wife!!" Said John not understanding what Edward is saying.

"That's right, young doctor, this is not the first time he does this, the first time he left me in charge of the castle when the two princes were young, so he could look for this doctor or scientist called "Victor Frankenstein"."

"Victor Frankenstein!!?" Said John very surprised to hear that name.

"That's right, he heard that this mad doctor or scientist made a living thing with different parts of the human body. They call that thing "the Frankensteins Monster", but we call it Frankenstein."

"Why!?" Conor asks intrigued that they only call it Frankenstein instead of Frankensteins monster.

"Oh, believe me, Conor! I once encounter that thing, he hates to be called a monster, I try to kill it once, but in the end, I almost got killed, if it wouldn't be for Lord Victor I would it be dead. So, now Lord Victor and I, we call it just Frankenstein."

"Another legend that I thought didn't exist!! Conor I have a question." Said, John.

"Huh, What?" Said Conor paying attention to John.

"Why did prince Marcus seem upset when I told him I was saved from that lady?" Said John eager to know why.

"Isn't that obvious? I was the one guarding you John." Said Conor like if it was very logical.

"But still he seems, upset when he told me she was a general from Dracula."

"A general from Dracula!! So, that means that it could be a sign of the Great War!!" Said Edward extremely concern and stun about what John said.

"A sign of what!!?" Ask John with confusion.

Then the three of them heard some hunters entering the house that they were in.

"Shut up! We will discuss that later! Now we need to kill these bastards." Said Edward with anger.

Back with Marcus and Valmir, Valmir finishes right in time to repair the castle before the sun came up. Then Marcus gets out of his chamber and speaks to everyone in there.

"Listen, everyone! My brother declared war on us! And then he disrespects us by entering our house like that and attack us! We will not tolerate this thing again! We won't kill him and his followers!" Said Marcus looking at Valmir. "We won't! But we will stop them! That's why I am going to summon our greatest defense to stop William and his followers from all this madness!"

Everyone yells Yeah!!! With pride and start preparing to stop William, getting their swords ready to fight.

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