Chapter 30

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His entire army goes to the city to destroy it and slay all the Velmont Hunters and Wizards. Dracula then gets his sword out. Dracula sword was very unique, instead of being silver it was black and the pommel of the sword was a dark red. The pommel of the sword had a figure it was a demons head with horns on it.

"My Lord? Are you going to join the fight." Said Blackmir concern about his safety.

"Of course, I will not be standing here and only watch. Oh, and I think you should join the fight too and tell the Drakos to attack."

"Of course, my Lord," Blackmir replied.

The Drakos start to attack the city, deliver them hell from above and Dracula joins the fight. Back with King Harvey and the others were doing all their best to defend the city, it was a great battle in the city of Leona's. The wizards were using all their might and using light magic to slay the Drakos, throwing beams of light to them, one of the towers of the city was destroyed by a Drako. The hunters' weapons were useless, every sword, ax, spear or arrow were useless against Dracula's army.

"Our weapons are useless!! Run, run for your life! Aaahhh!!" Yelled a Velmont hunter in pain before he was murder by a gurhill with his sword and ate his face.

The wizards were doing their best but because they were the only ones that could do something, they couldn't hold on much longer because there were too many creatures and the Drakos were making things impossible. Dracula enters the fight slaying every wizard and hunter with his black sword, he was using his speed to finish the job quickly, everywhere he goes death followed. Conor, Valmir and Bloodmir were doing the same as the others, slaughtering all of them without mercy.

Back with King Harvey and the others, they realized that they were been slaughtered, the hunters' weapon were useless and the wizards can't fight all of them alone.

"Dammit! We are losing the city!!" Cry's out Valerius.

"Our weapons, are useless!" Said King Harvey worries.

"My sword still works." Said Valerius killing a vampire.

"Father, we need to do something right now or we are going to die." Said Ellie with fear.

"And the world will be his. All of you have to go, now." Said Frankenstein taking the head off of a gurhill.

"What! No, we are not going anywhere." Said Valerius pissed.

"Boy!" Said Frankenstein trying to convince him.

"No, we can't." Valerius Replied.

"All of you have to go. All of your army that is left. If you don't go now and die right here, he is going to take this world for him, and nothing would be able to stop him." Said Frankenstein looking at Valerius seriously.

"He is right, we need to go to another place. A safe place." Said Master Harry.

"And go where Harry!? Where could be possible to be safe." Said King Harvey losing his hope.

"Harvey! The city is lost my friend, look around you, we are being slaughtered, we have to go!" Said Master Harry trying to make him see that if they stay, they will die.

"The city is lost!!! Retreat!! The city is lost!!!" Yelled King Harvey.

Every hunter and wizard were hearing the order to retreat, so they were doing the same yelling to everyone that was still alive that they needed to retreat, that the city is lost.

Jack BlackWood charges against King Harvey but a wizard saves him by sending him far away from him, it was Thomas, Michael, and Harper. Then a Drako was about to attack them and killing the King and the others, so Thomas and the others smiled with sadness and with their magic protects the King, master Harry, and the others.

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