Chapter 29

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Jack got shocked when he heard Blackmir saying that she could summon the Drakos and Dracula smiles.

"Hahaha. Bloody perfect!!!" Said Dracula happy.

"But those mythical creatures are extinct, no one has seen those creatures in hundreds of years!" Pointed out, Jack.

"Oh, my dear friend, I have the power to summon them because before they got extinct as you say, I learned that those creatures will never be extinct because they are created with, black magic!!"

"Blackmir!! Summon them!!" Cry's out Dracula smiling.

"Yes, my Lord!!" She replied.

Blackmir then uses her powerful magic and summons the Drakos (The Drakos are a type of dragon that are made of black clouds and their whole body are cover in black lightning and instead of throwing red, blue or black fire they throw black lightning from their mouth and not to mention they are extremely big creatures, the same sides as a Drake), the clouds then start to transform into Drakos, all around the city of Leona's and there were too many to count. King Harvey, Master Harry, Ellie, and Valerius were watching how these clouds were transforming into Drakos.

"Father!? What the hell are those things!?" Valerius Asked concern about it.

"I don't know! Harry do you...."

King Harvey stop talking and watch that Master Harry has a very worried and surprise face about what he is seeing and Ellie too.

"Fa...Father, are those..." Ellie said in shock.

"Yes! Those things are Drakos!!" Said Master Harry worried.

King Harvey and Valerius were shocked when they heard that.

Wha...What!?" Said King Harvey confused.

"I thought those mythical creatures were extinct!!" Said Valerius worried.

"No, those creatures can never be extinct. Someone in Dracula's castle has enough and great power to summon those things." Pointed out, Master Harry.

"This might be our last day or the city. We could never protect it from those things plus Dracula's army." Said Ellie still in shock and with fear in her eyes.

"No! We will not fall today." Said King Harvey with confidence and bravery.

"Alright then, how can you kill it." Asked Valerius.

"You can't kill it with weapons, not even the Excalibur can do it. The only way is with light magic or...." Said Master Harry not finishing the sentence.

"Or What father!?"

"Or a Dragon."

"Perfect, the Dragons got extinct hundreds of years ago. No one has seen a Dragon before Camelot fall, according to the legend." Pointed out Valerius with a worried face.

Then Frankenstein got out of the castle of Leona's and approach were King Harvey and the others were.

"As I told you, boy, this is going to be our last day." Said Frankenstein seriously but he wasn't making any threats.

"Insolent!" Said King Harvey angry.

King Harvey gets his sword out and point it at Frankenstein and ask him.

"Are you with us or against us!!?"

"Hahaha. You, humans, are so naive. Hahaha. It's like I told you, boy, you humans only treat someone good when they need something from them and then you..." Frankenstein got interrupted by Valerius.

"Frankenstein! I give you my word that I will never treat you any different from the others."

Frankenstein was surprised about what the young Velmont told him.

"Alright then, I'm with you. I will defend the city with all I have."

"Hunters! Wizards! From now on Frankenstein is our allied and friend! So, do not attack him, Understood!!" Cry's out King Harvey.

Every Velmont Hunter and Wizard yell and say. "Sir Yes sir!"

Back with Blackmir, she finished summoning the Drakos.

"It's done, my Lord. They are on our side." Said Blackmir.

"Alright then. I will go and talk to everyone. Blackmir, BlackWood are you going to join me?"

Blackmir and Jack Blackwood said, "Yes, my Lord."

Dracula gets outside the room that they were and goes at the top of the castle to speak to his army. Conor, Valmir and Bloodmir were in the same place that they were before, in one of the bridges that connect one part of the castle with another. Valmir and Bloodmir were very surprised that her sister was so powerful that she could summon a lot of Drakos at once and that she could teleport the castle and his army too.

"Val...Valmir!? Did you just felt that!?" Said Bloodmir surprised.

"Yes! Our sister is powerful enough to summon all of those Drakos at once."

"I thought those creatures got extinct." Said Conor worried.

Then the sky starts raining very hard and Dracula speaks to Blackmir. She and Jack were behind him with Ashbury and John.


"Yes, my Lord?"

"Did you already power up my entire army?"

"Oh! I'm going to do it right now."

Blackmir closes her eyes and casts a spell of power with the heart of the werewolf and the red stone rune and every single vampire, witch, gurhill, yurhill, and vundhill power-up including the generals, herself and Dracula too.

"I can feel it. More power!!" Cry's out Dracula happy.

Back with Conor, Valmir and Bloodmir they felt the same, stronger.

"What is this!? I feel...." Conor got interrupted by Valmir.


"It's our sister, she is doing this." Said Bloodmir.

Finally, Dracula speaks to his army.


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