Chapter 33

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Back with John he was in his room still struggling with his human part, which tells him that he is taking the wrong path.

"Am I doing the right thing. Dammit! Sister, I don't know what to do? Please, I just need to...." Said John stopping when he hears that the door gets opened. It was Conor who enters his room.

"General." Said Conor seriously.

"Conor. What is it?"

"I wanted to ask you something."

"If it's with the same crap of betraying Dracula, I told you I won't."

"Yeah, and you also told me that you will destroy me."

Then John put his head down feeling ashamed and sorry for what he said to him and how he is treating him after all that Conor and the Cornivous family did for him, but he doesn't say anything.

"Look, John, I know that right now you think that mankind it's the real enemy because of what happened to you that day. The day that you lost all of..." Said Conor getting interrupted by John.

"Don't say it! Don't you dare say it!"

John Brown starts feeling a lot of pain and he cries a little bit.

"Please don't say it."

"That's the day that all of your family was taken from you."

"You know, before I became a vampire, I was so happy for my sister that she was going to get married, I was happy for her and my girlfriend Elizabeth, Well I was planning to propose her to marry me."

"John I am sorry for what happened to you, I really am, because after all we have been through you became my friend, maybe my best friend."

"You know that day, I didn't only lose my family, I lost my best friend too."

"John Listen to me. Right now, I can see that you are still struggling with yourself, a part of you is making you feel that you are not doing the right thing. I know it because I can still see it in your eyes, mate. I can still see the young man that became a doctor to save lives, not to take them. I know that that part is still in there."

"You are wrong Conor. I only want to make mankind pay for what they have done to me."

"John, right now I need you to listen to me very closely, alright, mate. You can still succeed in what I, the other vampires and even the Cornivous family failed to succeed."

"Succeed in what Conor?"

"John, you are the bridge of two worlds, the human world, and the vampire world. You are the only one that can connect those two worlds, that's where you can still succeed. I will leave you to think about it. I still have faith in you John, I know that you are going to make the right decision."

Conor leaves the room and John was thinking about what Conor told him. A part of him wants to stop taking lives and to be the bridge of the two worlds but he is still very confused about what he needs to do. Then Lady Ashbury sends a vampire to look for John. The vampire sent by Lady Ashbury knocks on John's door room.

"Coming." Said John still thinking about what Conor said to him.

John opened the door.

"General. General Ashbury is waiting for you in her room." Said the vampire very formal.

"Alright then, tell her that I'm coming."

"Yes General."

John is walking to Lady Ashbury's room, but then he stops because someone speaks to him at his back hiding in the shadows.

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