Chapter 37

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Back with Blackmir and her sister, they were fighting. Using spells of wind, lightning and black magic too.

"I had enough of your insolence!" Said Blackmir while she was attacking her sisters with a wind spell.

"What!? You are the one that is insolence." Said Valmir protecting herself and Bloodmir from Blackmir's attack.

"Yes. You are the one that is attacking us, like if we were the enemy." Said Bloodmir trying to get in her head.

"We help you, big sis, but you just kept questioning us. Your sisters!" Said Valmir pissed.

"Stop with your bloody filthy lies! Your insolence is not to me, it's to Lord Dracula." Said Blackmir pissed at her two little sisters.

"What the Bloody hell does Dracula have to do with all of this?" Asked Valmir.

"You have betrayed him. Worst! You have betrayed me, your own sister. The one that has protected you for so long and make everyone believe that you are still loyal to us."

"What the bloody hell are you even talking about?" Asked Bloodmir still trying to confuse her.

Blackmir then launches a spell of lightning to hurt a lot of their sisters. Fortunately for Valmir and Bloodmir, they evade the attack in time but another one was coming and Valmir uses a spell shield to protect her and her sister Bloodmir from the attack.

"This is madness! Stop Blackmir before we really hurt each other very badly. Dammit! She is very strong." Said Valmir worried that Blackmir had gone full berserker.

Bloodmir then launches a wind spell to push back Blackmir to the wall and get her unconscious.

"Sorry big sis, but this is going to hurt. Windival!!!" Said Bloodmir casting the spell.

The strong wind pushed back Blackmir to hit herself into the wall and get unconscious but Blackmir used a spell to stop herself to hit the wall.

"I know that you are planning something to stop or to destroy Dracula. You can't lie to me!" Said Blackmir with rage in her eyes and pissed that her sisters are lying to her.

"Blackmir That's enough. We use all our power to summon him and you know it." Said Valmir trying to distract her.

"I had enough of this!" Cry's out Blackmir.

Blackmir launches a beam of dark magic that can kill them if the spell hits them.

"Brackma!!" Cast the spell Blackmir.

"Blackmir Stop!!" Cry's out Bloodmir.

Bloodmir and Valmir combine their power to stop that attack and they successfully stop it.

"You could have killed us!" Said Valmir surprised that Blackmir used that spell.

"What is the matter with you?" Said Bloodmir disappointed, sad and angry at Blackmir.

"You wanted to use that spell, right? That attack, you knew that it could have killed us if we didn't use our magic in time." Pointed out Valmir mad and disappointed at her.

Blackmir realizes what she did and in what could possibly have happened if her spell succeeded. She felt horrible and terribly sorry for what she did. She felt tremendous guilt and she knew that she would never hurt, or worst kill her own sisters, her own family.

"I'm...I'm so..." Blackmir tried to speak but she still was in shock on what she did.

"Save it! You are just a monster." Said Valmir with hatred.

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