Chapter 24

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Back in Dracula's castle, Blackmir starts thinking where she could find Frankenstein.

"Maybe if I use the tracking spell but if Harry Gold put on him a light rune it could bounce my power to me, and it would hurt a lot."

Jack Blackwood enters Blackmir room.

"Hey, Blackmir I need a favor."

"You have some nerves entering here after what you have done to my sister."

"I need a favor."

"No, no more favor last time I made you that black rune to protect you from the Excalibur but that now I won't help you anymore."

"Look, I don't need you to make me another black rune, I need you to track John down."

"What!!? Are you out of your bloody mind, I won't track....." Blackmir got interrupted by Jack.

"Listen to me, I want to make sure that John it's on our side alright, that's all."

"He already is."

"Don't be so naïve! they could be planning something, John, Conor, and your..." Now Jack got interrupted by Blackmir that got pissed.

"My what!? My sisters, they would never betray me."

"I know that it sounds insane but think about it alright, they were loyal to the Cornivous family and now that we slew them all, don't you think that they want revenge!!"

"No, I don't!!!! Now get the hell out of my room."

Then Jack leaves the room mad. Blackmir begins thinking about what Jack said to her, so she left her room to find her sisters. While she was heading to Bloodmir's room she heard someone arguing in another room. Blackmir gets closer to the door, so she could hear who was arguing and why. Then she recognized the voices. It was Lady Ashbury arguing with Valmir about why she is not fighting with all her might for Dracula.

"So are you going to tell me or what Valmir."

"Tell you what Ashbury, that you are like a dog, a very stupid dog with..."

"Insolent child!!!"

Lady Ashbury gets her sword out and points it at Valmir, then Blackmir heard that her sister was in trouble, so she enters the room.

"Don't you dare try to harm my sister."

Blackmir uses her magic and sends Lady Ashbury to hit the wall. Then Lady Ashbury gets up very angry.

"YOU DAMN WITCH!!! Do that again and next time I would cut off your head without you even knowing."

"And if you try to harm Valmir or Bloodmir I would curse you, for the rest of your life."

"You know Blackmir, you put on a lot of faith in your sisters, maybe you should ask her why the bloody hell is she not fighting for Real!!!"

"Since Bloodmir send you flying away in the Ascalon Castle you have being treated me and my sister like some slaves." Said Valmir pissed.

"How dare you treat my sisters like that Ashbury!!" Said Blackmir pissed off.

"Don't change the subject, something is wrong, you Valmir and your sister haven't been fighting with all your might like you fought us in the Ascalon Castle remember. You and your sister Bloodmir were casting a very powerful spell but now it's like you are not even trying. Maybe Jack is right about you, maybe you are planning to betray us."

Then Balckmir turns her head toward Valmir with an untrusted face, then Blackmir speaks to Lady Ashbury.

"My sisters would never betray Dracula and worst they would never betray me. Now get the bloody hell out of here Ashbury!!"

"Whatever!" Said Lady Ashbury.

Lady Ashbury got out of the room, then Blackmir asks her sister if she wants to tell her anything.

"Valmir!? I'm sorry to ask sister but I need to know if you and Bloodmir are planning something in secret and you haven't told me about it?"

"No, Blackmir! Of course not, you are our big sister and you know we tell you everything."

"Alright then, sorry to ask, you can go now."

Valmir leaves the room and Blackmir just stares at her leaving with a really sad and untrusted face. Then Blackmir walks to her room and got an idea on how to take the city of Leona's, so she runs to Dracula and tells him of her idea.

"My Lord, my Lord!!?"

"Yes!? What's going on Blackmir?"

"My Lord, I have an idea, so we can take control of the city of Leona's. I can teleport your whole army and the castle inside the city and I can cast a spell of pure darkness to protect your castle and your army will be power up."

"Finally!! We can slay all the Velmont and Merlin's family at just one strike, alright then let's do it right now."

"I can't do it right now because I need the heart of a werewolf and a red stone rune."

"A read stone rune!? But those are all lost."

"Maybe not, I heard that maybe there is still one under the forgotten city but am not really sure."

"Well, John already came back from his mission successfully, so I can trust him this mission too."

"Perfect then but we still need to find the heart of a werewolf."

"I can send Ashbury to get the heart with Valmir's help."

Blackmir then put a serious face and tells him that she can go instead.

"I can go if you want my lord."

"Are you sure about that, I can't lose you Blackmir you are my strongest witch and the only one I can truly trust with no doubts."

"Don't worry my lord I can handle myself."

"No, sorry you are too valuable for me."

Then John enters Dracula's Chamber and tells him that the city that he attacked is already under his control and there are no survivors.

"Perfect then John. Now I need you to do another mission for me."

"Of course, my lord. What is it!?"

"I need you to go to the forgotten city and look for a red stone rune."

"A red stone rune!? And why is, so important this stone."

"Because with that red stone rune and a heart of a werewolf I can cast a spell to make us stronger and then I can teleport the entire army and the castle into the city of Leona's, so we can destroy the Velmont and Merlin's family in one strike." Pointed out Blackmir.

"Finally! Our dream, our mission will be accomplished, without the Velmont and Merlin's family nothing can stop us from annihilating mankind." Said John happy.

"Alright then John, grab some soldiers and go to the forgotten city and find me that stone." Said Dracula seriously.

"Yes, my Lord." Replied John.

Then John excited goes to the forgotten city with some soldiers to find the red stone rune.

"Blackmir!" Cry's out Dracula before Blackmir leaves the room.

"Yes, my Lord?" She replied.

"Why until now you said this to me? This amazing idea of yours, after all these years we have been fighting the Velmont and Merlin's family."

"Well you see, I consider already what you thought that all of the red stones runes were lost until last month I heard some vampires talking about the day that they destroyed the forgotten city and they were talking about when a human was trying to bargain his life for some intel about the red stone rune."

"It's that so!? Well, that doesn't matter right now, I need to talk with Ashbury."

Dracula walks out of his chamber and went to Lady Ashbury's room. Then he enters her room.

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