Chapter 40

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The Blue Dragon continue flying to take them to the labyrinth of the dead. Then Ellie that is at Val's back hugs him.

"Huh? Haha. What's this for, Ellie?" Said Valerius smiling at her.

"What? I can't hug you for no reason." Said Ellie looking at him smiling back.

"Hahaha. Of course, you can but it's not normal of you to do it."

"Yeah, well maybe its because I'm glad that all of us got ourselves out of there alive or maybe its because I'm glad that you didn't get hit by that lightning from that Drako."

"I understand." Said Valerius happy too that he didn't he hit by that Drako.

"Hopefully one day we could be flying in a Dragon, the two of us, just watching and enjoying the view." Said Ellie dreaming about the two of them in the dragon enjoying the view and smiling at the dream.

"And with the sun to watch." Said Valerius imagining the fantasy.

"Yeah, we haven't seen the sun in three years since London fall. The sky went black and its night all the time. Hopefully, we could do that someday in brighter times. Because now well...they are dark times."

Valerius puts his head down and he feels sad because he wants this dark time to end as quickly as possible, so he and Ellie and the others enjoy their lives together.

"Yeah, this are dark times indeed but not to worry Ellie, I'm sure we will see the sunrise again, together." Said Valerius looking at her.

"You promise?" Replied Ellie.

"I promise."

Ellie hugs him more and she was now happy to hear that. Master Harry heard their conversations and he was very happy to see them together and heard that promise that Valerius made but he is still very worried about the other prophecy, the prophecy that says that if they failed to destroy Dracula in The Great War, the next time he comes he would be unstoppable and death shall arrive, to everyone. The prophecy of the end of times, the end of humanity, the end of life, Apocalypse!

Finally, they arrived at the labyrinth of the dead.

"We are here." Said Master Harry seriously.

"Finally." Valerius Velmont Replied.

The Blue Dragon landed and Master Harry and the others they get off the Dragon's back. Then they went into the entrance of the labyrinth of the dead and Michael notice that Val's sword started glowing.

"Uhm, mate?"

"Huh? Yeah, what's the matter, Michael?"

"Your sword. It's glowing?"

Valerius gets out his sword and it was glowing a lot.

"Wait, what is happening? I didn't command it to..." Said Valerius getting interrupted by Master Harry.

"It's doing it to warn you and it's getting ready."

"I beg your pardon? Warn me of what? And getting ready for what? I thought you said that it only glows to deliver a lot of damage at my command."

"Yes, I said that, but the thing is, Val that the sword has like his own conscious."

"What do you mean?"

"Look, yes, you can command the sword to deliver a lot of damage, but the sword can also feel the danger. So, if it's in an extremely dangerous and deadly place or someone. It glows to warn you that there it's a great threat ahead and it's a possibility that you could die and it glows also to prepare for battle, so it can deliver all his might in every single blow."

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