Chapter 56

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Back with John and Jack, they were trying to get far away from Ethan and Klaus as fast as possible, but unfortunately for them, they were fast, and they catch up with them.

Ethan was at their back and Klaus was in front of them.

"Where The bloody hell do you two think you are going, Huh?" Said Klaus mocking them.

"We haven't quite finished with you two. So, shall we begin?" Said Ethan enjoying himself.

Jack tells John to get ready in a lower voice, so they wouldn't hear him.

"Don't worry mate, get ready. We are going to kill these sons of bitches."

"You know we can still hear you right?" Said Klaus getting ready to attack.

"Are you sure Jack?" Asked John's concern if Jack could handle them.

"Yeah. Don't worry!"

Klaus and Ethan roar with all their might and before they could attack, Conor pushes Klaus backward.

"Conor!?" Said John surprised to see him.

Ethan angry sees John and goes for the kill.

"Look out!!" Said Conor saving John with his speed.

Jack saw the opportunity and leaves behind John and Conor.

"Jack!!" Cry's out John.

Jack saw King Harvey going to Dracula, so he sees the opportunity to finally kill him for revenge.

"Got you!"

Jack with his speed gets near King Harvey and with his claws of his right arm tries to murder him at King Harvey's right side but Harper saves him with his magic by stopping his arm and pushing him back.

"Get out of my way!!" Said Jack pissed.

Jack tries to kill them, but Thomas, Harper, and Michael were making things difficult for him.

"My King, go!! We are going to take care of this." Said Michael leaving his guard down and Jack used that advantage to his favor and murder him by putting his claws inside his heart and crushing it.

"Michael!!" Cry's out King Harvey.

"Where The bloody hell do you think you are going, Harvey!!?"

Jack tries again to murder him with his speed but Harper stops him and gets him near him but Klaus hits Harper knocking him down and with his big left hand crushed Harper's head.

"Nooo!! Fulgor (Meaning lightning in Latin)!!"

And a bolt of lightning that came out of Thomas's hands, striking Jack and Klaus.

"My King!! Go!!" Said Thomas worried that they could get to him.

"Shit!" Said Jack sawing Klaus near him.

Klaus knockout Jack and goes to Thomas. Thomas tried to destroy him, but Klaus grabs him from the neck and eats his face. King Harvey left and tries to get to Dracula and Wilfred. Klaus grabs Jack from the neck and he finally wakes up.

"I was just going to eat your face, but then I thought, why not first break his neck and then eat his then face? It will be much fun for me seeing you suffer."

Klaus breaks Jack's neck slowly and has he promised he ate Jack's face.

Back with Conor and John, they were fighting Ethan together.

"Conor, what are you doing here?"

"I came here to save my best friend from himself."

"Fine then."

"Really? It's that the best you can do John? I mean, is it all it can do a General from Dracula." Said Ethan mocking John.

"Don't listen to him. He is just trying to get you out of focus."

"Oh come, mate, you are spoiling the fun. After all, I never thought that a General from Dracula will be needing help from a foot soldier."

"Let's end this Conor. Together. Just like last time."

Ethan chuckles.

Conor and John were doing their best to slay Ethan but Ethan wasn't making things easier. Conor and John were using their speeds, claws and summoning spear of blood, to try and take Ethan down but Ethan was defending himself quite well. Ethan then hits John in the face really hard and almost knocks him down. Conor sees a window of opportunity to slay Ethan and takes it. He puts a spear of blood in his chest. Ethan yells of pain and with anger grabs Conor from the neck and hits him on the ground really hard, then he lifts him, where his feet were in the air and couldn't touch the ground. Finally, he tells John.

"How poetic isn't John? Both of you tried to murder me a long time ago and I almost kill your best friend. Now here we are years later, the three of us doing the same. Me with your friend's life in my hand but this time ends differently."

"Wait don't do it!"

Ethan breaks Conor's neck. Killing him and he let go, so his body falls into the ground.


John full of rage goes berserker, his eyes turn red and his hands into deadly claws. John starts using his maximum speed to hurt and kill really bad Ethan. Ethan was receiving hit after hit that he couldn't stop. Finally, John appears in front of him, hitting him in the face to making fall into the ground. He grabs his sword to end the job but before he could do that, he asks him.

"Any last words?"

Ethan in very bad shape barely speaks. "You never even see it coming did you?"


Klaus hits John and by doing so push him back.

"Come on little brother we need to help dad."

Klaus helps Ethan getting up.

"Fine. Until next time John." Said Ethan enjoying himself.

John was trying to get up, but he was too tired and not in great shape after fighting and receiving too many hits.

The Great War (A Dark Universe)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora