Chapter 11

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Meanwhile, Bloodmir manages to get safe at prince William's new house.

"Prince William! Edward got away! And he said to me to tell you that if you want him dead that you should do it yourself!" Said Bloodmir very concern.

"What!? Dammit!!! My brother already won."

"No! We can still win this, my prince."

"Bloodmir don't you see, he already got the rune to summon them and we cannot win against does things."

"There's maybe one way!"

"No! No, I won't attack my castle again, it's my home."

"Then that leaves us only one more option my prince. We need to attack the humans of this city now, while we still can."

William then agrees to Bloodmir proposal and he starts preparing his troops to kill the humans that were in this city.

Back with John, Conor, and Edward the three of them got to the Ascalon Castle.

"Finally, you came!" Said Marcus happy to see them alive.

Edward approach to Marcus and hit him on his face.

"Dammit! I thought that all was forgiven!"

"Never! You slept with my daughter!" Said Edward very angry at Marcus.

"Can we just do this later!"

"Yeah of course! I guess the real reason you summon me it's that I give you the bloody rune to summon them, am I right!?"

"Sorry, to summon who?" Ask John.

"The Gullheims!!" Replied Edward.

"The what!?" Said John confused.

"It's our strongest defense on the castle. We only use them when our people are in extreme danger. My prince, I have to say, don't you think it's a little bit too much?" Said Conor very concern about what may happen.

"Yeah but what are they, they are some kind of army or magic!?"

"What!? No! Look they are a kind of vampire, just a little different than us." Said Edward seriously.

"I don't think I understand."

"Look, John, instead of being in flesh they are skeletons, with big horns and red eyes, they have a special sword, that the metal from their swords burns in green flames, they have a heavy silver but dusty armor and a red cape. They are very rare, and we have the last of their kind, we only summon them when there is no other choice." Explains Edward with more details to John.

"Indeed." Replied Marcus.

"Hey prince Marcus, where is my daughter!?" Ask Edward's concern and still angry at Marcus.

Marcus gets his head down and has a look on his face, that he is really sad.

"Look Edward, when William attack the castle, she defended it with all..." Marcus got interrupted by Edward because he understood where Marcus going through this.

"No, Nooooo!!! Where is her body!" Yells Edward in pain and sadness.

Then some vampires were carrying her body to put it with the others.

"Wait! Let him see his daughter, he at least deserves that." Said Marcus with much sadness in his eyes.

Edward falls into his knees and starts crying for her daughter, he was touching her face and then he puts his head on her chest and start crying.

"Nooooo! My beautiful girl, why!!!! Why!!!!!!"

"Look Edward am sorry for your lost, I really am." Said Marcus with honesty.

"Did he do it!?" Ask Edward with a little anger in his voice rising.

"I beg your pardon!?"


Edward starts changing just like the two brothers, his eyes got red and his hand change into claws.

"Hey! Calm down!" Said Marcus trying to control him.

Then Edward grabbed Marcus from the clothes.

"If you don't kill your brother!!! I WILL!!" Yells Edward with so much rage.

Then some vampires grabbed Edward and they take him off, Marcus.

"Look Edward I know you are mad at William right now, but I can't let you murder my brother and besides it wasn't William who killed her, it was one of the vampires working for him. You know that my brother will never hurt your daughter."

"All right then I'll give you the rune. (Talking in his head) So, I can kill William for what he has done to my beautiful Jesse."

Edward gave the rune to Valmir, then Valmir starts summoning them, Castle start shaking a little bit. Valmir successfully summons the Gullheims.

"It's done," Valmir replied.

Then an army of Gullheims appears at the front entrance and Marcus speaks to them.

"Hear me, my soldiers!!!" Yells Marcus with confidence, so the Gullheims will understand that he is his master.

Then every Gullheims looks at Marcus.

"I want you to help me to stop my brother from committing a terrible thing!! So, as your master, I order you to capture my brother and..." Marcus stops talking because he was hearing something far away. It was the city screaming.

"Oh my God!! The city is under attack, my family is in there!!! We must do something!!!!" Said John extremely worried about his family safety.

"Everyone!! Go to the city and stop William from this madness!!"

Everyone yells "Yes, my prince".

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