Chapter 49

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Back with Wilfred he and his army were hiding in a forest that is at the east side of Camelot.

"Alright Frankenstein, it seems you owned me one." Said Wilfred smiling at him.

"Wilfred?" Said Frankenstein confused.

"I want to ask you something and believe me you are going like it."

"I'm listing." Said Frankenstein looking at Wilfred with distrust.

"Remember a few years ago that you enter my castle and proposed me an alliance to kill Dracula? Well, I think it's time to make that alliance my old friend."

"I am not buying it Wilfred, that suddenly you become this great person by freeing me from that prison and now proposing this alliance. What did make you change your mind?"

Ivy then steps in and answers his question.

"The future."

"Huh?" Said, Frankenstein.

"I saw the future. I saw a future in which Dracula wins. There is no mercy, he doesn't stop slaying the humans. He murders the entire world. Every single species, every witch that is not on his domain, every werewolf, every creature that he doesn't dominate, he murders them. I refuse to see a world in which Dracula rules."

"And here is part that I tell you what you need to do to pay me back." Said Wilfred serious.

"Speak," Frankenstein replied.

"I know that you have found some sympathy for those Velmont Hunters and Wizards. Especially the boy called Valerius Velmont or Pendragon whatever you want to call him. I need you to be loyal to me and when the fight starts, I need you at my side. Basically, what am saying is work with me and slay every vampire and witch that is not working for us and every Velmont Hunter and Wizards that stand in your way."

Frankenstein struggles in making a decision.

"So which side do you chose?" Said Wilfred looking at him seriously.

"Fine, if this helps me get Dracula murder then I will accept your conditions."

"Perfect." Said Wilfred very proud and happy.

"So now what?" Asked Frankenstein, impatient.

"We wait for the battle to start," Wilfred replied.

Back with King Harvey, he finishes preparing everything for the battle then a big sound was heard and a Velmont Hunter that is at the top of a watchtower that is aside from the front door, yells to him that is Dracula and his army.

"My King!! It's Dracula and his army right in front of us!!"

"Everyone, prepare for War!!! What's going Harry why didn't you use the mirror to destroy his army."

Back with Wilfred, he saw that Dracula already arrived. His son Klaus tells him that the rest of his army that they left behind in their castle, they just arrived.

"Father, the rest of our army that we left behind at our castle, they arrived."

"Bloody Perfect. Tell them to prepare." Said Wilfred with a big smile in his face.

"Yes, father," Klaus replied.

"The Great War Begins!!!" Wilfred chuckles after he finished saying that.

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