Chapter 46

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Back with Master Harry and the others. Thomas, Harper, and Michael were still frozen by that spell that The Three Judges of the Old Religion cast and they saw the opportunity to murder them, so they were casting a new spell and in front of them was appearing a big black sphere.

"Now, Time to die!"

Master Harry immediately yells at The Three Judges, telling them to stop.


The Three Judges stop casting this new spell and the big black sphere disappeared.

"Huh? So, they failed to slay you." Said The Three Judges disappointed.

"Why did you bring us here? In this place, that is empty."

"We didn't send you here Harry Gold. He did."

Master Harry couldn't help himself to notice that The Three Judges said "he", so he asks who was he.

"He? Who is he?"

The Three Judges didn't answer they just chuckled.

"We were going to let you enter deep in The Labyrinth of the Dead, so the labyrinth would kill you."


"But you already know what happened. He saved you... all of you."

"So that means the foggy figure that sent us here wasn't working for you, then who is he?"

The Three Judges chuckles again.

"I guess you will never know."

"Alright then, at least tell me where my daughter and my friend son are."

The Three Judges agreed to tell him where they are.

"Very well, your daughter is in the future..." Said The Three Judges getting interrupted by Master Harry.


"She is in one of the many possible futures but, make no mistake, whatever is she seeing and doing is not cast in stone."

"Alright, now you just confuse me a lot."

"Simple, the place where is your daughter and Valerius is not exactly real, it's just a projection of what happened and what could possibly happen, it won't affect the timeline. He sent them there to find something, whatever it is, what they are seeing and doing right now will not affect anything with the timeline."

"Don't you think it would have been better to just told me that."

"No. Now we are going to let you free of this place, so you could die altogether in The Labyrinth of the Dead."

The three of them snap their fingers and everything went white again.

Back with King Harvey, he was riding the Red Dragon and he was going into a battle against some Drakos.

"Alright mate, here we go. Give them hell!"

The Red Dragon roar with all his might and start fighting some Drakos, he was destroying some Drakos with he's fire and using his claws and teeth. A Drako was aiming to attack King Harvey by eating him alive and fortunately for him, The Phoenix saved him by going through it with his fire and end up destroying the Drako.

"Yeah!! That's right Phoenix destroy every one of those bastards."

The battle continues and then a Drako hits the Red Dragon with a bolt of black lightning leaving him injured but still capable of fighting, unfortunately for King Harvey when the black lightning hits the Red Dragon, it makes him slip away and he fell from the Red Dragon's back. King Harvey was falling in a high distance, the Red Dragon immediately went to rescue King Harvey and The Phoenix was helping The Red Dragon by destroying the rest of the Drakos and protecting him. King Harvey was still falling and falling and the Red Dragon was doing the best he could to catch up with him and lucky for King Harvey the Red Dragon got just right in time to save him and went back in the battle to help The Phoenix destroying the rest of the Drakos. They finally destroy all the Drakos that were there, and they were flying back to Camelot to regroup and wait for Master Harry and the others.

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