Chapter 8

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Back with Marcus, he stars hearing hunters talking nearby of his castle, so he sends some of his soldiers that were still alive to kill those hunters. Then he approached Valmir.

"Valmir, we need to talk!! In private!!" Said Marcus seriously.

"Yes, my prince!" She replied.

Both of them enter in Marcus Chamber and start arguing about how they could stop William and Bloodmir from this nightmare.

"Look Valmir we need to do something quickly before William does another terrible thing, so I suggest that you start summoning them," Marcus suggests.

"I know my prince, but we first need to get Edward here." Said Valmir seriously, so Marcus would understand that Edward is important to summon them.

Then a vampire working with Marcus enters the chamber.

"Oh! Sorry my prince and lady Valmir, we finish killing the hunters that were nearby." Said the vampire.

"Perfect then!! Could you excuse us." Said Marcus.

"Of course, my prince." Replied the vampire.

The vampire left the chamber and Marcus and Valmir were looking at each other. Marcus approached Valmir and he says to her ear that if he doesn't come, she has to summon them, then Valmir says to him that she doesn't remember the rune to summon them that's why they need Edward.

Back with John and Conor, they both wake up in an old house and then someone appeared from the shadow and says to them.

"You two are really lucky that I was there." Said the mysterious man. He was old, you can say that he looks like he had 61 years old, he has white hair and brown eyes.

"Thanks, sir for saving us." Said John thanking the new mysterious man for saving their lives.

"You know old man after all this time I thought that you were killed by some werewolf or something, haha." Said Conor enjoying himself.

"Hahaha you haven't changed a bit Conor, just so you know I might be old, but I know how to fight. So, who is this young man in here, you know if I would guess I would say that you have 26 years old, boy?" Said the mysterious man very intrigued to know John.

"Actually, I'm 29, sir! If you don't mind if I ask, who are you?" Ask John intrigued too to know who he is.

"Aren't you going to tell him?" Said the mysterious man talking to Conor.

"He is the one we are looking for. You know when prince Marcus sent us to look for you, I thought he was out of his mind because I thought you were dead." Replied Conor.

"Oh but no hunter and werewolf can kill me that easily. Hahaha. Well let me introduce myself, my name is Edward, Edward Reed." Said Edward introducing himself to John.

"A pleasure to meet you, sir." Replied John.

"Oh no! Quite the contrary, it's a pleasure to meet you, sir. So, what's your name young man?" Ask Edward.

"My name it's John Brown and I am a doctor." Said John introducing himself.

"A doctor!? Hahaha. I didn't expect that. So, tell me, Young Doctor, how long have you been a vampire." Said Edward looking at him into his eyes.

"How did you...." John got interrupted by Edward.

"Oh, come, young doctor, I know that you are a newborn. Don't be surprised."

"How can you tell!!?" Said John very concern about it.

"Experience, I guess. Hahaha."

"Edward! Prince Marcus wants to see you, we need to go. Now!!!" Said Conor with a hurry.

"No! Wait, we can't go yet. I need to see my family they should be worry that I never came."

"Why do you need to see your family right now exactly, Young doctor?" Said Edward looking at him with distrust.

"It's a family matter." Answer John.

"What family matter?" Said Edward trying to keep digging into John's truth.

"Look we don't have the bloody time for this. We can discuss it later back in the castle." Said Conor trying to hurry up the others.

"No, wait! My sister it's going to get married two days from now, so we were supposed to all get in my parents' house to celebrate, I even buy her a clock." Answer John, finally revealing the truth about his family matter.

"Well young doctor, we can't go." Said, Edward.

"And why is that?" Ask Conor.

"The sun it's about to come out," Edward answers looking at Conor serious.

"If we go now we might..." Conor got interrupted by Edward.

"The Castle is too far away from the city, we will never make it in time, our only option it's to wait." Said, Edward.

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