Chapter 59

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Back with Ellie and John, they were still inside that protection spell that Ellie put.

"What do you want?" Asked John.

"For you, to know the truth."

"What are you talking about?"

"For three years, you have blamed mankind for your family's death and your girlfriend's death. Well, it's time, that you know what really happened that day."

Ellie shows John the Pruma, so he can see the truth about his family death. John looks at the Pruma and finally, it revealed the truth about that night.

"You see John, those men didn't murder your family."


The Pruma shows him those hunters getting inside his house but then something happened they were being killed one by one and very quickly. His family being murder brutally by that shadow thing that moved fast, and it leaves Zack's father barely alive. That shadow finally reveals itself self it was Dracula all along. In the Pruma Dracula said to Zack's Father.

"Tell John, that it was you who did this and I would not turn you into a monster." Said Dracula crushing his neck.


Finally, The Pruma showed him what really happened and John breathless couldn't believe it. That he worked and murder innocent people for the monster that murdered his family and took everything from him.

"This can't be." Said John in shock.

"Am sorry John, I really am."

Finally, the battlefield was cleared, and Ellie took down that protection spell. Only Dracula, Blackmir, John, Ivy and another vampire hiding in a hood were still alive.

"It seems that your beloved lying snake lost The Great War." Said Ivy smiling.

John lost control of his rage and goes full berserker towards Dracula.

"DRACULA!!!! You, lying snake!!!"

John used his speed and starts to hit Dracula with many punches. Dracula could barely see him.

"You killed my family!!"

John pushed him towards a wall. He is about to put a spear of blood into Dracula's heart but then Dracula grabs him by the face and with all his strength smashed him in the ground leaving him very injured and then he kicks him to send him away.

"Damn you!!" Said John pissed and getting up from the ground.

Back with Ivy and Blackmir, she is still on the ground breathtaking from knowing the truth about his father's death and sees John fighting Dracula with anger.

"You see Blackmir, Dracula killed John's family and he lied about it." Said Ivy seriously.

John, I'm So sorry." Blackmir replied sad and helpless.

"You know he can't hear you, right?"

John tries again to crush Dracula's heart to make sure he dies very painful but before he could get to Dracula the other vampire kicks John out of the way and speaks to him.

"You know I can't let you do that, right, John?"

John recognized that voice.

"That's impossible." Said John in shock.

"Well Look at you John, you already figured out. Yes, John, it's me, alright. Your best friend!"


The vampire finally takes the hood off and indeed it was Zack.

"Hello, brother." Zack Chuckles.

"Bu...but how? I saw you died."

"Yeah you indeed saw me dying but the vampire that killed me turn me into this monster. At my last breath, he turned me into this and gave me a second chance." Said Zack reveling what happened to him and smiling at John, but something was odd about him. The way he was acting, and speaking was completely different from how John remembered Zack. He was now evil and dangerous.

"Who did this to you? Who killed you?" Asked John confused.

"I did!" Dracula replied.

"You son of a bitch!!"

"Don't you ever tried to hurt our Lord Dracula." Said Zack putting his sword at his neck.

"What?" John Replied.

"It's funny isn't John. When I was a human, I used to hunt and killed these vampires to make the city safe and now look at me. I'm a vampire now, the one thing I used to kill, I actually become. It's funny how life works right, John."

"He murdered you, killed your father and he killed my entire family and my girlfriend." Said John trying to make him come back to his senses.

"Correction John, you were the one who killed my father, remember."

"Get out of the way Zack."

"I think not." Said Zack pointing his sword at Johns heart.

Ellie then launched a fire spell and burns Zack's right arm. His arm turned into ashes.

"Aaaaah!!" Yelled Zack in pain.

"Don't!! Don't hurt him." Said John worried that they would kill him.

"Sorry My Lord but I'll have to go." Said Zack transforming his body into a lot of bats and went flying away.

"Dracula!! You are going to pay for that!! And for everything you have done!!" Said John pissed off.

Dracula tries to reach help towards Blackmir.

"Blackmir, save me."

"You Can rote in hell, you lying snake." Said Blackmir with hatred looking at him.

John finally arrives in front of Dracula.

"Am going to enjoy this." Said John losing control of himself.

John transforms his right hand into a claw, so he could crush Dracula's heart slowly and painfully. He raised his hand and the goes for the kill but before he could reach Dracula something strange happened. A portal that appeared behind Dracula from nowhere sucks him into this portal and ends up saving him.

"Noooo!!!" Cry's out John hitting a wall.

"Oh well, it seems nobody killed him at all, Blackmir. Say hi to your sisters from me, would you?" Said Ivy smiling at her.



Ivy murder Blackmir and then she vanished and returned to Wilfred.

"Dammit!! Blackmir I'm sorry, I'm sorry I couldn't save you." Said John grabbing her body and it was a respectful silence for Blackmir, but they were only doing it for John. Finally, John let her body rest in the ground and everyone yelled with pride and happiness because they defeated Dracula in The Great War even the Dragons and The Phoenix roar with all their might but Master Harry and King Harvey looked at each other seriously because they know what's coming. Apocalypse!

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