Chapter 23

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Back with John, he got to his room and he sat down in his bed and grabs from his right side pocket the watch that he bought for her sister and starts speaking to himself.

"I'm sorry Margaret and Elizabeth, I failed both of you, I couldn't protect you and worst I broke the oath that I made when I became a doctor. I don't know what to do."

Then a witch enters John's room and says to him that it is time. Time to become one of Dracula's Generals. Back with Dracula and Jack both of them were arguing of how stupid was the idea of trying to take the city of Leona's without his full army. Then Dracula grabs Jack on his neck pushes him towards the wall of his room.

"This will be the last time you do something like that Jack, I'm tired of your bloody pried and always trying to be the best. Now I don't want to hear another of your great ideas. Did I make myself clear."

Jack barely speaking.

"Yes...... My Lord."

Dracula releases Jack's neck and tells him that it's time to see if his new General is ready.

"Of course, my Lord."

John was being prepared to become one of Dracula's General, then he gets out of his room and he went to a new room that had a big throne and many statues of knights and the room was full of many vampires and witches spectating. Then Jack approached Lady Ashbury and tells her.

"I still don't understand why Dracula wants this vampire has his new General! I mean he was part of the Cornivous family, he could betray us."

"Maybe but he is really strong, after all, I trained him, now he is really powerful, no Velmont Hunter will be able to kill him so easily." Said Lady Ashbury with pride that she did a great job training him.

"Yeah, will see about that." Replied Jack BlackWood.

Then Dracula arrives and everyone kneels at his presence, he sat down on his throne and everyone gets up.

"Now my new child, would you fight for me and my cause."

"Yes." Replied John.

"Would you die for me."


"Would you help me to defeat my enemies and destroyed them!!"

"Yes, my Lord!!"

"Now my child, you are one of my generals and you are going to command my army to victory. It's that clear."

"Yes, my Lord."

Conor, Bloodmir, and Valmir finally arrived at John's ceremony.

"I still can't believe he betrayed us." Said Conor pissed.

"Yeah I know but right now we should focus on how can we destroyed Dracula." Replied Valmir.

"Maybe We could find a way to reach Frankenstein, I mean we know that he is really strong and that Dracula considers him a threat." Pointed out Bloodmir.

Back with John's ceremony Dracula finally put him the title of one of his generals.

"Now then John. Has your first mission it's to get some of my soldiers and destroyed a city that has not been attacked yet. Oh and John, no survivors."

"Of course, my Lord."

Back with Ellie, Valerius, and the others, they were nervous that Frankenstein could attack them at any moment just for the simple fact that was standing right in front of them without saying anything.

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