Chapter 51

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They all get in the back of The Blue Dragon and then The Blue Dragon with his enormous wings, fly away from The Labyrinth of the Dead and went at full speed towards Camelot.

"Father?" Asked Ellie sad.

"Huh? Yes, my dear, what happened?"

"I got to tell you something."

Master Harry was concern about what Ellie would tell him.

"Remember when I told you about my vision back in Camelot."


"Well, when we were in the labyrinth, I think I was sent into the future and the vision that I saw back in Camelot about Val dying and me too, Well it happened and I....." Said Ellie getting interrupted by Master Harry.

"Ellie, whatever you saw, or did right there it wasn't real, all right. The future is not cast in stone."

"Yeah, but it felt real."

"Ellie, there is always hope that we can change things."

Ellie then recognized something about what Master Harry said, the word Hope, she felt a lot stronger when she had Hope back in the future when she was defeating her enemy and trying to come back to his father and friends and she replied what Master Harry said.


"Well, Val at least your sword stopped glowing, now that we are out of that place." Said Thomas mocking him.

"Yeah, I know. I guess thanks to my sword, you three wouldn't have been here with us." Said Valerius mocking Thomas and the others.

"Haha, very funny mate" Thomas Replied.

By the way, how did you manage to get in the labyrinth without a mythical creature to guide you? Asked Vals concern.

We use a yellow stone rune and it was the last one. Now there are no more yellow stone runes in this world. Explained Valmir.

I see, Replied Valerius.

"We are almost there everyone!! Get ready!!" Cried out, Master Harry.

Back with King Harvey, he was doing the best he could to hold on Camelot until Master Harry arrived.

"Shit!! We weren't expecting an attack from Dracula to soon." Said King Harvey pissed and nervous.

King Harvey heard the roar of The Red Dragon fighting The Drakos.

"Destroy all of those bastards!!" Yelled King Harvey at The Red Dragon.

Then The Phoenix stars cleaning up most of Dracula's soldiers with his fire outside the city and some Velmont Hunters and Wizards were yelling with pride and happiness that The Phoenix is destroying a lot of enemies.

"Yeah!!!!! That's it, give them Hell Phoenix!! Show them who's the fucking boss!! Yeah!!!"

Back with Dracula, he was concern about The Phoenix and the Dragon. They gave them a lot of trouble.

"My Lord, The Phoenix is destroying most of our soldiers we need to do something." Said Blackmir worried.

"What we need to do is go down there, all of us and fight! So, we can finish this!!" Said Jack BlackWood pissed.

"Are you out of your bloody mind!! We can't risk Dracula's life because of your pride." Replied Lady Ashbury.

"No! BlackWood is right, we need to go and fight. Blackmir get rid of the fucking bird, the rest of you follow me. We finish this right now." Said Dracula determined.

Dracula and others went down to join the fight and Blackmir was aiming for The Phoenix to destroy him.

"BlackWood, Ashbury, Brown! Kill these Bloody humans!!!!!!" Cried out Dracula while they were entering the city.

Dracula gets his sword out and starts slaughtering Wizards and Velmont Hunters with no mercy.

Back with King Harvey, they told him that Dracula arrived, that he is on the battlefield inside the city, near the entrance door.

"So, he finally appeared. Harry if you are doing a spell to get rid of Draculas army, now it's the perfect time brother." Said King Harvey's concern if they would be able to hold on.

A Velmont Hunter comes near him and asks him what they should do.

"My King, what do we do!?"

"We go and destroy Dracula once and for all. This our chance we can't let him get away. Who's with me!!!?"

And a bunch of Velmont Hunters and Wizards that were near him yell with pride. They were charging in against Dracula, so they could kill him but before that happened, they heard a big roar outside the city and the sound was coming from the east woods.

A few moments earlier, back with Wilfred, he was seeing the big battle and he had enough of waiting.

"You better keep your word, Frankenstein, because we are about to enter the battle." Said Wilfred excited.

"I told you I'm with you and I agree with your terms." Said Frankenstein seriously.

"Fine then. Everyone!! Charge!!!!!!!"

Has Wilfred yelled that every werewolf that wasn't transform started to become a werewolf and Wilfred start to transform his body into a werewolf too and all of them roar with all their might!! They began charging into the city and some Velmont Hunters and Wizards saw Wilfred's army coming from the woods, so they yelled back to everyone and his King that the werewolves were coming, so they can be prepared for them.

"Werewolves!!!" Yelled the Velmont Hunters and Wizards that saw them.

Unfortunately for the Velmont Hunters and Wizards that yelled that some werewolves were coming, they were in the wall shooting arrows and magic to destroy the vampires and witches that were with Dracula, but what they didn't know and expect it's that Wilfred too had their own witches and those witches launched devastating spell and destroyed the wall that they were in and end up killing them by the explosion.

When Dracula heard the roar coming from the woods, he knew at that moment that it was Wilfred and his army.

"Wilfred!" Said Dracula with hatred.

He tells John that was close to him, that he needed to gather a very strong squad to defeat Wilfred and his army.


"Yes, my Lord?"

"Gather the strongest warriors that you know and stop Wilfred."

"Of course, my Lord."

"Oh, and John. If you see the opportunity, I want you to take off Wilfred's head, so I can have it has a trophy."

John then leaves and starts gathering the strongest warriors that he knew, and he took, of course, Jack Blackwood on his squad.

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