Valmir then cast the spell Brackma to gain time.


And The Three Judges protect themselves with a shield of magic.

"Hurry up!! I don't know if I can hold on much longer. (Coughs)" Said Valmir breathing the toxic air.

"Understood! (Coughs)" Bloodmir replied.

"Wow, wow! You work for Dracula." Said Valerius pointing his sword against them.

"We don't have time for this kid, we are here to get you and your friends out here before it's too late." Said Conor seriously.

"We can't go! We need to... find the mirror. (Coughs)" Said Master Harry trying to not faint.

"The Goliath mirror? It's way deep in The Labyrinth of the Dead. No one can't reach it, it's impossible." Pointed out Bloodmir.

"How do I know you... are telling the truth?" Said Master Harry with distrust.

"Look, we are betraying Dracula by being here and helping you. We are risking our lives here; we are willing to help you defeat him." Said Bloodmir in a hurry.

Ellie barely stands up and speaks with the little energy that she has.

"Oh yeah! And why should we believe you?"

"Look we don't have the bloody time for this! We need to go, Now!" Said Conor worried that they wouldn't make it.

The Three Judges tells all the monsters that were there surrounding them to attack.


"Bloody Hell!" Replied Conor.

A snicher (half flesh and half skeleton) tries to murder Master Harry but Conor saves him with his speed and sword but the snicher explodes releasing a black smoke that burns Conor's face.

"Aaaaahhh!! Damn snichers!!"

Conor's face rapidly heals.

Valerius protects himself and Ellie from another monster, a Wulver. The Reapers start approaching them.

"Listen, we have a common enemy all right. Is Dracula, he murdered our friends when London fall." Said Bloodmir using her magic to pushed back the Reapers. "Windival!!" She said casting the spell.

"Shit! We don't have the bloody time for this. All right we trust you! Get us out here." Said Master Harry acknowledging that they won't last a minute in there.

"About time," Conor said killing another snicher.

"It's time Valmir!" Cry's out Bloodmir.

"All right! Let's go!" Valmir replied.

Bloodmir and Valmir cast the same spell with the yellow stone rune that they used to enter there, so they can get the hell out of that place but this time they cast the spell quicker and they got out of that horrible place just in time before the reapers could catch them.

The Three Judges of the Old Religion yell "No" with rage because they left.


Now they were at the entrance of The Labyrinth, were Valerius and the others enter before. The Blue Dragon wakes from a nap and sees them.

"Wow! A fucking Dragon! I thought they were extinct?" Said Conor surprised.

"Yeah so do we." Said Valmir laughing.

"All right then, let's say we believe you, that you are on our side. Why help us until now? Not before all this happened." Pointed out, Ellie.

Valmir and Bloodmir just look at each other sad because they knew that they had to betray their sister.

"Simple, many times we wanted to betray Dracula, but the thing is we didn't know how exactly." Said Conor answering Ellie's question.

"How about just doing the same thing as you did right now? You could've helped us back then in the City if Leona's." Said Valerius not trusting them.

"All right That's enough! I know they are saying the truth." Said Master Harry seriously.

"What? But Father!?" Ellie replied.

"Ellie, Valerius, please. They were members of The Cornivous family."

"Really?" Asked Valerius.

"That's right kid, we are still members of The Cornivous family." Said Conor proudly.

"I have a question? How the hell did you survive at that snichers black smoke? It's supposed to kill everything that it touches." Said Valerius confused.

"I'm half-dead, kid. It doesn't affect me as it affects you."

"Maybe we have done a lot of bad things and yes you are right, we should have helped you sooner." Said Valmir regretting not betraying Dracula sooner.

Then Bloodmir tells Valmir in her ear that Blackmir, their sister, she just teleported Dracula's castle and his army in Camelot.

"Valmir, I was tracking our sister magic too see if she was still in The City of Leona's, but she is now in Camelot."

Valmir gets shocked and breathless about what Bloodmir told her.

"What? What's wrong?" Ellie Asked eager to know what is happening.

Thomas, Harper, and Michael, they finally wake up.

"What happened? What do we miss?" Asked Michael still trying to wake up fully.

"Harry! We need to go to Camelot right now!" Said Valmir worried.

"Why?" Master Harry replied.

"Our sister Blackmir, she just teleported Dracula's castle and his army into Camelot." Said Bloodmir with a worried face.

"What!!?" Cry's out Master Harry.

"You have another sister!?" Asked Valerius surprised.

"That's the reason why we didn't betray Dracula sooner because of our sister..." Said Bloodmir pausing and thinking about John but before she could continue Conor step in.

"And a friend of ours."

"Wait! What friend?" Ellie asked eager to know his identity for some reason.

"You don't know him. You haven't crossed path with him."

"Yeah, but your friend is from the time when London Fall?"

Conor, Bloodmir, and Valmir they see each other surprised that Ellie knew that.

"Yeah. His name is John Brown." Said Conor surprises.

Then Master Harry, Valerius, and Ellie they see each other surprised like they know something.

"What? Do you know something, we don't?" Asked Conor.

"We don't have time to waste. We have to go." Said Master Harry evading to answer his question.

"Indeed," Valmir replied.

"Well let's go to the Dragon." Said Valerius towards him.

"Really?" Asked Bloodmir nervous.

"Come on! Hurry up." Said Ellie in a hurry.

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