"The anti-Excalibur?" Valerius replied breathtakingly.

"Yeah, amazing isn't it? With this sword, I'm going to kill your King...." Then Mordred stops talking, and he realizes that Valerius has The Excalibur and he went mental mad.

"You... You have, The Excalibur!!!!?"

Mordred tries to slay him, but Valerius rolls over in the opposite side that Mordred swings the sword, then Valerius gets up and he gets ready to fight for real this time.

"How is it possible that my father led some like you to wield his sword!!!"

Both of them start fighting and clashing swords. Every time they clash swords the ground near them shake a little bit but not too much and then the ground starts breaking a little bit. Mordred successfully got a very good hit at Val's left leg, putting him on his knees but Val defends himself by hitting on his chest.

"Aah! Damn you." Cried our Mordred.

Then Mordred starts to unleash his full wrath with his sword at Valerius. Valerius was doing the best he could to defend himself by blocking, evading and striking back at Mordred. After a very intense battle between them, both of them look at each other tired and losing blood because of their injuries.

"You have been lucky that I haven't kill you already." Said Mordred trying to leave his pride intact.

"Oh really!! I thought that you already gave your best skills. I got say not bad for a coward traitor." Said Valerius trying to piss him off.

"That's it! I'm taking your head."

Then the man that was in the blue cloak sent Mordred flying away with his magic and King Arthur arrives to help Valerius.

"Hey, kid! Are you alright..." Said King Arthur looking that Valerius has his sword too.

"You have the Excalibur!? Just like I do but how? How is that possible? I thought you said that my sword was one of his kind, that there was no other sword like it?" Said King Arthur talking to the man in the blue cloak.

"I did." He replied.

Then a massive fireball was approaching to hit them but the man in the blue cloak snap his fingers and made the fireball disappear. Then he puts like some kind of a bubble that protects them and stops time outside the bubble.

"Wait, what!? You just..." Said Valerius getting interrupted by the man in the blue cloak.

"Stop time. And protect us from everything. Oh! by the way am Merlin, a pleasure to meet you." Said Merlin taking his hood off but he was no old man, actually, he looked like he was the same age as King Arthur. They looked like if they are in their forties.

"Merlin!? The Great Wizard of all time!"

Merlin laughs at Val's reaction.

"Hahaha, Yes mate that's me. So, you are?"

"Oh! Am Valerius Velmont."

King Arthur and Merlin see each other surprised about Valerius telling them who he is.

"Velmont!?" Asked Merlin.

"Yeah. Why?"

"So, are you a kind of relative with Mary Velmont?" Asked King Arthur.

"Mary Velmont? Wait, no. It's not like it seems alright. I'm...." Said Valerius getting interrupted by Merlin.

"From the future."

"Yes." Said Valerius surprised.

"From the future?" Said King Arthur confused.

Merlin then has like a vision of the time that Valerius comes from and his eyes turn yellow while he had that vision.

"I guess that explains, why you have my sword." Said King Arthur trying to keep up.

"So, from the time you are from. You are fighting Dracula."

"Yes." Said Valerius serious and turning his eyes down.

"If you are fighting Dracula in your time, that means we lose, we didn't stop him." Said King Arthur looking at Dracula outside the dome.

"Why are you here?" Asked Merlin eager to know his reason.

"I didn't come here on purpose."

"So how did you...." Said King Arthur getting interrupted by Valerius.

"Don't know. The last thing I remember is that I enter with my friends at The Labyrinth of the Dead, to find some kind of a new weapon to defeat Dracula and then some foggy figure appeared in front of us and the next thing I know I was here in the past."

Merlin chuckles.

"Valerius, let me ask you a question alright." Said Merlin looking at him smiling.


"Why were you seeking a new weapon to defeat Dracula, if you already have one?"

"I beg your pardon? I don't fully understand the question."

"It's simple, what is the most powerful weapon that God has given us? It's not a sword or magic or a bow and arrow or even a spear. It's Hope, hope, it's the most powerful weapon that God has gave us and trusted us. It's the light that darkness is so afraid of. Its power is limitless. Stop looking for new weapons if you already have one mate. Now get back home alright." Explained Merlin.

"I beg your pardon? What do you mean by...." Said Valerius before he could finish speaking, Merlin and King Arthur smile at him and finally Merlin snaps his fingers and everything went white again.

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