The Unknown Realm

Start from the beginning

Zelena "to wake Belle"

Me "True love's kiss didn't work because she doesn't wat to be with him"

Hook nodded "Aye, and once the Crocodile wakes Belle, do you think he'll stop there? do you think he'll just turn the bloody crystal and all of its power over to us?"

I nodded "He's right. Let's go get that crystal"

The others walked out. 

Regina "Where should we start?"

Me "maybe you should sit this one out"

Regina nodded "oh, that why you wer trying to be delicate with me. You're worried the Evil Queen is about to come out to play"

I shook my head "no, i just want what's best for you"

She shook her head "no, you don't. When you're upset, we follow you to Hell. But when i'm upset, i get a time out""

I sighed "Regina, calm down and think straight-"

Regina "you don't get to till me what to do"

Henry walked to us "Echo, mom, please"

I snapped "Henry, stay out of it. Regina, take minute and cool off"

Regina "You don't want my help. Fine. I'll fix this on my own"

Then she went up in smoke. 

I sighed and walked over to Henry "Kid. Go to my place and stay there. You'll be safe. okay? we got this"

He sighed but nodded. 

Me "i mean it, Henry, go right home"

At Snow's apartment. Morning. 

Emma looked at the map "So far, no sign of Gold, which means we need to expand our search perimeter to include the woods. "

suddenly Regina stormed inside "where is he?"

I sighed "i told you. We got this. We'll find Gold"

Regina "i'm talking about Henry"

Then she read something form her phone ""Mom, there's only one way to fix everything that's tearing us apart. I have to destroy..."

I took my phone and read the last part ""the source of all our problem"

I nodded "Yeah, i got the same text"

Snow asked confused "what does he mean? what is the source of all our problems? What is he going to destr-"

suddenly Gold walked inside "well, i think i can answer that. The Olympian Crystal and all the magic tethered to it. It would appear my grandson has outsmarted us all, used his authorial power to steal the crystal right out from under my nose "

Snow "Would Henry even do that...destroy magic?"

Gold "We'd better hope he doesn't"

Regina "why? what happens if Henry succeeds?"

Gold "considering this town was built with magic, what do you think will happen?"

Emma "he would never destroy magic if he knew it could hurt us"

Gold "I'll be sure to tell him that right before i take the crystal back"

Regina "don't you dare go near my son"

Gold "sorry dearie, but he's threatening me now"

Then he turned to smoke. 

Regina followed him out. 

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