I peel the banana and stop mid way.

"Since yesterday?" I question, surprised.

"What ever sickness you have took a toll." He says, but he doesn't look me in the eye.

"Right." I say, feeling weird.

He fixes his glasses, "well, I should get back to work." He tells me, and with a small smile he leaves me in the kitchen.

"Wait." I tell him and abruptly stops. He turns to look at me, his eyebrow raised. "What are you working on?" I question.

He looks at his clip board and taps it before he looks back at me. He smiles back at his clip board and with a quick motion of his head he motions for me to follow him.

He walks to the hallway I came out of and to the end of the hall. He opens the door and stairs leading up.  I see light at the top. He switches on a light and the stair case lights up.

"That's cool." I mumble and Sawyer turns to look at me. I sheepishly smile.

When we reach the top there are computers and machines everywhere. It's one huge room.

"It's a chemistry lab." He says. There's a rug and couch area, I'm guessing for resting.

He hands me his clip board. 

There are a bunch of equations and chemical structures.

"What are you trying to figure out?" I question and Sawyer walks to a large white granite counter top in the middle of the room.

"This is a centrifuge. It separates fluids. It spins it at a high speed." He says and he places a small vile inside.

"Is that your blood?" I question.

"Yes." He says as he walks back and sits on a stool. He looks into the microscope. 

"Look, come see." He says and points to the microscope slide.

I walk over to him and peek into the microscope lens.

I see a lot of red circles which I'm assuming is blood and some dark black shapes moving around.

I move back, a little weirded out.

"What is that?"

"Not sure. But it's eating all the blood cells." He says, his tone serious.

"Where did you get it?" I ask and look back into the microscope.

Before he can I answer I interrupt him, "wait, I'll be back." And I rush down the stairs into the room I was in. I grab my drawing book and pencil and rush all the way back upstairs.

I'm out of breath by the time I reach Sawyer, and he stares at me like I shouldn't be acting like this.

I look into the microscope, remembering each line, shape, and color.

"What the hell are you doing?" Sawyer asks, he seems slightly amused. He's leaning against the counter, his elbow on the counter.

"Oh, sorry. Can I draw this?" I ask. He shrugs and nods.

I smile and continue looking into the microscope.

"So, whose blood is this?" I ask again, as I pencil in the drawing.

"Mine." His time changes, but I can't tell what he's thinking.

My pencil stops erasing and I slowly look up at him.

"Is it contagious?" I question. He looks away, ruffling his curls. The anger is obvious on his face and I put my book down.

"Is it?" I question again.

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