Chapter 36

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**************3 months later**************
Christmas wasn't as boring as I expected it to be as Stella and Cory had travelled.

I spent Christmas with Toni and Rewa, their family came over and it was nice. Nigerians have this rice what it called again,...... yeah Jolly rice it's so tasty.

Christmas was good, plus we had a family day out at the church, we all went out to the beach as a family.
Pastor had to be the coolest. 

So Stella came back earlier this year and guess what? She came back back with a marriage souvenir, that right she and Philip are engaged. I'm excited for them their family is baking. 

"Aal remember that date of yours with Mark I was being a jerk about?" Stella asked and I nodded

"You didn't even ask why I didn't like the idea, I didn't say that but I guess my actions were louder" she said and I looked intently to why she remembered that now and wondered why Stella didn't want the date.

"Mark Steadtler is a big jerk" she said and I got even more interested

"What did he do?" I asked confused

"We had history" she said and got Philip's attention
"Guys common you thought I didn't have a love life" she asked and we looked at each other

"No judgements babe, I'm just surprised" Philip said and I laughed

"He did come that night before Cory and Aiden, when he saw me and figured we were related he canceled" she said
"I told him you were my daughter" she said and my jaw dropped
"Too far?" She asked
"Too far" I answered
"I'm glad though" Cory said and we all laughed

I love my family, this family.

This family isn't perfect but it's everything.

"Allison, Philip and I are going for my check next week want to come?" Stella asked and I nodded.

So Stella is seven months in and every month she goes for check up with Dr. Hamid asides from the normal pregnant stuff.

Dr. Hamid says it's a miracle she's still alive.

I just can't wait for next month when I meet my nieces and Stella can start her treatments properly.

"Stella, can I come?" Cory and Aiden chorused and she nodded.

Aiden has been avoiding me but I'll probably talk to him after Stella's sonogram.

"Babe, I sent the  designs to Matthew and he said your first line would be ready next month and he needs to have a meeting with you and your executives" Philip said

"Okay babe, when is our date tonight?" She asked

"11pm, Allison can you dress my fiancée up please she believes she's too pregnant to look good in a dinner dress" he said

"Sure, anything for my brother" I said and Stella rolled her eyes at me.

"Philip you keep roaming the room what exactly are you looking for" Stella asked

"My keys" he replied and she got up

She searched the drawer and held it up to him.

"See why I need you" he said and pecked her lips.

"I'll be back soon, " he said and headed out of the house

"Who wants some pancakes?" she asked and we all squealed

"Meeeeeeee" I said and the boys nodded
"You know you guys make me feel like I have kids already especially you Aal" she said we all smiled
"Oh well I'm your first and the twins are the second" I said and she shook her head as she walked into the kitchen

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