Chapter 10

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It's been two weeks since Cory and I had 'the experience' and to be honest I feel like he's avoiding me I mean he looks away on eye contacts, doesn't visit anymore, doesn't pick my calls,and replies messages days later more like he's trying to prove something and that I don't know but whatever it is I could careless he should just man up.

Tan! My phone beeped and I checked the sender it was Stella, I was eager to know the content as Stella doesn't text she rather calls.

"Hey, Aal mom says she needs you at home you should come ASAP
Stella❤️". Why would mom ask Stella to text me, I mean she doesn't relate so well with Stella and I doubt she knows she owns a phone, something is up with them and I'm definitely going to find out, I thought while walking out of the cafeteria. I walked to the Art studio to find out if Aiden had come back or had taken any classes since last week from Mr. Lawson.

When I entered the studio it was empty but I was hearing sounds from the store in the studio so I decided to check but no one was there so I turned to leave and behind me appeared Cory out of nowhere

"hey, ain't you supposed to be having anatomy class" I asked looking confused "I'm taking arts classes and my class starts now" Cory said so sharply

"the last time I checked you were a medical student and this has nothing to do with your area of interest academically" I replied

"and the last time I checked as well I don't owe you an explanation as to what classes I take and I don't take now if you will excuse me I have work to do" Cory said as he moved from in front of me to pickup a sketchbook.

"What's up with him?, why is he so stoic and irritating?, why is he so arrogant?" I thought as I stormed out of the studio.

I was just not getting it Cory used to be nice and Aiden is nowhere to be found, perfect just perfect. I think I'll just go home to see what's up with Stella.
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Being Allisonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें