Chapter 19

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Meeting Granny Macy that night was really nice and it feels my heart with gladness that I'm done with my exams and the second year is over as well, my second year journey was what I would call 'the ride' honestly the drama from home, the experience with Cory, lectures and stress and there's Mr. Aakrosh and his numerous tests that weren't so funny honestly I'm grateful to God I got through all of that and this summer I just want to have fun, speaking of fun, I really want to hangout to Arizona, Rewa and Cory it's been while I spent time with them and asides from that I need some time with God you know.

"Aal, guess who is here" Stella screamed from sitting room
" who" I asked,

" I said guess dummy" she said
" Granny Macy, Aiden, Anika" I said so excitedly but then mentioning Anika's It gave me chills in my spine
" you should stop calling that cowards Name here, and yh it's Cory" she said with bitterness laced in her tone.

I'm sorry" I said and she dint reply, she's probably upset but then who cares she'll come around.

"Hey Cory" I said as I saw the male figure up in my bedroom

"Hi" he said

"May I come in" he asked so politely

" yh sure " I replied and he came in

"flowers" he said as he brought out a bouquet of my favorite flowers 🌺 from behind him, Cory can be so sweet but then I'm still mad at him so I just said thanks so plainly

" I thought to give you a surprise visit" he said as he sat on the bean bag beside my bed
"Aal I don't know what's going on, but we need to talk, you just kinda switched up on me and I didn't even get to defend myself even if I had done something wrong" he said with his eyes  focused on me without blinking.

" it's nothing I had a family drama to deal with" I said looking away.
"Aal, this started even before all that stuff happened you just pushed me away" he said so sadly.

"Cory it's not that easy you know, after I withdrew that night, I just felt you were going to see me differently and then coming to your room" I said looking straight into his eyes.
"Aal I'd never see you differently, I understand that you weren't ready and besides it's better than going against your self for me it showed you respected your principles and you weren't going to break it for me and I respect that, and what about my room?"he said, well at this point I was speechless.

"it's nothing" I said and he looked away.
" you know screwing up is a thing I know I'm good at but then I always try to make up for it so if I annoyed you in anyway I'm really sorry and if there's anything you want to say I would love to hear it" he said and then i began to wonder if to rant over his girlfriend he was having fun with or just ask who she was.

" Cory it's nothing, I figured the truth already and I'm fine with it okay" I said.

"Okay if you say so" he said and he stretched out his hands " friends " and I shook him saying "friends".
Who else is loving Cory's character?, he's such a sweetheart ❣️.
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