Chapter 24

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It's been three months since the incident with Granny Macy.
So I applied to volunteer at Khanna Bethany Foundation- a British Indian foundation pretty close to the city hospital, so I still get to see Rewa and Arizona, we even hang out after work, have lunch at stacy's treat, where Stella works and sometimes breakfast at Mae's corner.

This summer has been really amazing but then sometimes the thought that Anika dared threaten still gets to me but then I don't let my emotion get in the way of my faith.

"Rewa, I'm so loving your kicks, where'd get them" I asked as she came across the street to meet Arizona and I who were currently headed to Mae's corner for breakfast.

"Oh thanks, I got them from an online store" she replied smiling.

Did I mention Rewa loves sport, she plays basketball, volleyball and also in the School's race team.

"Guys, Jacob is out" Arizona said in a low tone, she had this weared out look all morning but saying this explains it.

"Are you going to be alright with him staying at your place" I asked concerned.

After that day i saw Arizona crying we spoke a lot more on her life, so Jacob is her elder brother, who got in the wrong company in high school and got it all wrong from there and in one way found himself locked up which explains why she was against ever keeping company but somehow Rewa, Toni — Rewa's twin brother and I have brought down her walls or should I say we are getting there.

"Yeah, he got home last night, we haven't spoken properly but he looks sombre" she said.

"all will be fine" Rewa said

"you can call us anytime, we're one phone call away" I said hugging her and then Rewa joined in the hug.

"Arewa, remind" I was about to start before her phone rang.

"Give me a minute, it's my dad" she said walking outside.

Arizona and I ordered two plates omelette, two cups of hot chocolate and Cinnamon rolls, we had a quick breakfast and asked for Rewa's breakfast packed as we were running late.

"You guys go on with lunch without me, I've got so much work on my desk, the fundraiser is coming up next week" I told Arizona and we went our separate ways with Rewa coming behind us still on the phone.

I got to work 20minutes early, so I decided to take a minute or more to mediate.
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