Chapter 32

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"Allison I'm so sorry I didn't tell you about it and Philip confessed he left the box there for you, I told him all about it and he couldn't imagine what I was going through so he found a way to tell you about it." Stella said

"It's okay, I promise to never leave your side from now on" I replied and I hugged her.
"I see the prodigal sister is back" Cory said as he walked into the room and I smiled
"Where's Philip?" I asked

"Outside" Cory replied and I got up to invite him in.

"Philip, I'm sorry for what I said, I shouldnt have" I apologized and he nodded
"Can you come inside please?" I asked and he nodded.

To every friend there's a means of communication, I mean to every friend there's a way you communicate, to every person in your life there's a way you both have made it a means to communicate, I know I know I'm repeating the same things in different words but that is the way I have chosen to communicate with you, I'm not sure who I'm talking to but you must be a close relation to get to read this.

As for Stella I communicate to her as I please I could talk physically, call/text when she's away and I could text when we're mad at each other because that's how we have chosen to communicate and same goes for Aiden and a little more I speak to him anytime just that lately he's been hiding a lot and I can tell from how he's constantly looking away when we're taking he doesn't look me in the eye anymore and for Aiden that's a thing . He always looks at you straight in the eye.

For Cory we started talking earlier this year, chatting and visiting later on after which we made it a thing unknowingly to talk at the end of each week, funny as that sounds we havent missed it since we settled after 'the experience'.

Cory is a very busy person but still he takes out time for this and even when we're upset at each other we have unknowingly made it an habit to call and rant it out I know right I have cute people in my life.

For Rewa and Arizona we actually meet up every weekend to talk about stuff, talk about what's bothering the other fellow and pray about it we have made it a thing to check up on each other and that's what friends do. Even though we have been missing it a lot lately.

So if you get to read this and you're still in that place where you just talk to people and don't converse start conversing and communicating.

Funnily with all of this time with my family we still keep secrets from each other, we still get on each other's nerves and these things are inevitable not because we don't communicate but because we are humans and probably because we didnt take out time to talk about pressing issues, we didn't take out time to know how to place certain issues before someone in such that the words won't hurt the other person because more than half of the time we're scared the other person might just feel hurt am I even making sense to you? probably not, you know what? in short be like my family and I but a little more and when you communicate talk about pressing issues that needs to be heard.

Philip came inside and Stella smiled at him I could tell there was so much love in his eyes and he wasn't going to let go even with how difficult the situation looks.

I'm glad she found love.

"Hi Dr. Hamid" Philip said as she walked in
"Hi Philip" she replied
"We'll go get something to eat" Aiden said and Cory followed behind him.
"Philip, Dr. Gabriel would be coming in an hour from Mexico he's the best and he took interest in Stella's case when I mentioned it to him at the last meeting, so we could get third option from him" she said and Stella smiled.
She looks so pale but her smile still brightens up.

She looked up to Philip and he gave her a reassuring smile.

Their love is beautiful I guess.

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