Chapter 25

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At 9:45am sharp, Mrs. Bethany came into the office I find it funny how she always walks into the office like she's a ghost, she literally just appears at the door.

You never hear her car or the clicks of her shoes.

"Hi, Allison" she said with her usual broad smile staring at me from the front door.
"Good morning Mrs. Bethany" I replied returning the smile.

"Allison we are having some medical practitioners at the fundraiser, along with some skills tutor that would teach the kids how to make DIY projects and also Mark confirmed the the Manager of TKW confirmed his attendance" she said looking at her phone, I guess she's checking her mail.

"Ma, did he confirm the venue, the last time we checked with the  manager of the event center, he said the venue was free in the afternoon but if we paid them double just maybe they can get it worked for the whole day" I told her remembering what Mark and I discussed from the last meeting.

"That's Mark's problem just make sure you check with the people I mentioned earlier and send them a thank you message for confirming their attendance" she said and walked into her office.

Mark and Mrs. Bethany's relationship is quite funny, Mr. Mark is her nephew but they always act so formal like they don't know each other from Adam.

"Mark says you should come to the headquarters, the sponsors want to have a meeting with him and his secretary is out on official duty, he needs someone to take the minute" Mrs Bethany said, as I walked into her office to drop a file on her table.

Headquarters is not so far from the branch office where I work, I love going there, there's a skills training center there and I've been invited once to tutor the kids coming in for training on portrait drawing after Mark saw my drawing. There's a fashion designing center where Aiden works part time and a shoe making center.

Mrs. Bethany genuinely believes in empowering youth and kids with skills that could help them asides from the formal education you get from school, she hosts huge fundraiser twice every year to help raise materials like writing materials, clothes, shoes and books they take to hospitals, orphanages and they also offer health education to kids at schools and orphanages.

I took the bus and I was at the headquarters in no time.

"Hey, Allison" Mark said as I walked into his office.
"Good morning Mark" I replied smiling

"Seems you're a good mood and a mood to work so let's get started, Leah is currently out of town and I need these documented as soon as possible and also we have a meeting with the sponsors in five hours" he said dumping a pile of documents in my arms as we walked out of the door.

"Okay sir" I said in a bored tone as I walked to the computer behind Leah's desk.

"Let's get started" i said to my self as I typed in the password and logged in to the system.

Mark better pay me extra for this extracurricular official duty.

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