Chapter 33

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*************** 4 months later **********

It's a bright Saturday morning and my boss isnt calling to ask for unnecessary details so I'm at the hospital with Stella.

Stella and Philip are having one of their arguments again. I seriously wish Stella can just understand the angle Philip is coming from. I'm just in the corner of the room pretending to be invincible I doubt they even remember I'm seated right here.

"Stella, you possibly can't be serious right" Philip said already getting upset

These past four months have been the worst and most challenging with Stella choosing not to go ahead with the treatment especially because when there aren't working and somehow Philip strongly believes this treatment are going to work just if she chooses to live. it's always back and forth arguments with Philip and Stella.

He chose her and she chose her babies, that's right they are twins she's having twins.

"Stella I know I agreed to support you but we could try again and we could have even more healthy babies Stella you can't opt out of treatments just because it's not working, you just started chemotherapy like what? Yesterday? And you're already giving up" Philip said

"Philip I've made up my mind, i can't go through these treatments knowing my babies could be at risk, this could be our only chance and what's the assurance that I'm going to make it out of here" Stella said crying.

"Stella" I called out hugging her.

Her  bump was now very prominent, she was getting slimmer by the day and she was always pale. She looks helpless.

"Stella, I'm" Philip said trying to touch her before  she slammed his hand off 

"Get out" She said and I felt a pinch in my heart, she felt helpless. He walked out of her room with his hands behind his head

"Stella, he's trying to help" I said to her and she kept crying.

She continued crying and nothing I said was stopping it.

"Stella" Aiden said as he walked in on us. I was silently crying as well trying to be strong for us  both, this wasn't the time for me cry, I have to be strong.

I have to be strong

I have to be strong.

"Stella I need you to calm down, this ain't good for the babies" Aiden said and she started breathing heavily.

I was getting scared and confused.

"Stella are you okay" I said, she wasn't responding just breathing heavily

"Stella" Aiden called out and pressed the emergency bell at the door

The nurses and doctors came running into the room asking us all to leave and I felt so sad, this wasn't the plan Stella I thought, Stella you can't leave me I whispered, Stella we still have that fashion line you want to launch and you still have that cafe you want to open, we still have that studio for kids you want to set up Stella you can't leave me I whispered and Aiden wrapped his arms around me.

***************30 minutes later ***********

"Philip I warned you about her getting stressed" Doctor Hamid said in a stern voice

"How's she?" He said with tears rolling down his cheeks

"She'll be fine today but I doubt she will be the next time this happens" she said and walked farther away from us

"This is all my fault" Philip said and I hugged him

"It isn't" I said and he looked at me

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