Chapter 6

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"Hey it's Aiden Black, you can leave a message but I'd probably never listen" Aiden's voice mail said for the tenth time today.

I have been trying to reach him for days now and he isn't picking up, He isn't attending classes and he's not in his room either, I'm really beginning to get worried, what if he's in a bad situation and he needs help, what if he's dead?

Oh no he can't be, wait Allison Hale breathe, Aiden is fine and he probably just went to sort some stuff out, or he needed space, i thought before the guy I recognized to be Cory shouted my name from across the hall and then walking up to me.

"Hey Allison I've been watching you for days now, you seem to be a bit off and always lost in thoughts, what's up with you?", Cory asked "last time I checked you were being rude and I wasn't asking for a babysitter and if you'd excuse me I have better things to do", I said sharply and walking away.

I know that was really uncalled for but trust me Cory was the least person I wanted to see right now and I wasn't ready for any of his insults or talks.

I was so lost in thoughts that I did not notice I had bumped into Nayla "I'm guessing your personal body guard isn't here to direct your steps, and even with your four eyes you still can't tell where to stick your filthy body to in the cafeteria", she said with so much disgust.

I didn't know what to do or say to her so I just walked away, but before I could take a turn she stretched out her long legs causing me to fall, spill my food all over my body and have the attention of the students.

I wasn't quite sure if to fight back but tears started rolling down my cheeks, what have I done to this bitch to deserve this?, I honestly wondering if it was her life mission to hate me or she was just jobless and always in the cafeteria, just then I felt a broad manly arms around my shoulder, they weren't familiar as they didn't belong to Aiden so I looked up to see who it was.

It's Cory this wasn't the moment to argue or anything so I just went with the flow of things, he helped me up and carried the tray back to the counter.

"You sure do have more than one body guard right, I'm guessing they are all filthy just the way you are" Nayla yelled across the cafeteria.
"Ignore her, she's bitter" Cory said and Walked me to the bathroom to clean up, once I was done he walked me back to the hall.

"Thanks and I'm sorry" I said to Cory as he walked out the door, he just nodded and left.

I slept an hour, by the time I was awake it was evening so I decided to paint how I felt, it was kind of a mixture of love and hate, so I named the piece CORAL.

After painting I decided to try Aiden's number again, he picked, "Hey" I said hoping for a reasonable explanation. "Aal I'm sorry, I'd be back in two weeks" he said crying, "okay, please take care of yourself" I replied trying not to be pushy, can today get any worse I thought and hung up.
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