Chapter 20

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Self esteem , is something beautiful and underrated when you appreciate your self and understand that you matter it gives a form of self confidence. People don't understand this, why because most people think appreciating yourself shouldn't be but here's the truth it's necessary for growth, you need to understand constantly that you matter, you're beautiful, your color is perfect, your opinions are worth being heard and more than anything you're loved by God.

"Aal would you please be more organized with your laundry and the studio, just yesterday when I wanted to clean up I found some colors you worked with and you dint clean it up, you need to brace up you're a lady" Stella said.

well at this point I'm getting upset my summer is barely three weeks and Stella is always in my space talking about how I should put my things together, she's just so annoying and I'm trying to be nice here.
"yes Mom I promise to tidy up with you tomorrow"I said smiling and she nodded and picked up the laundry.

"I need to finish up my new sketch, read for my professional exams scheduled for this summer, and yh Aiden and I have an audition to attend" I said to Stella as we walked  to the laundry.

"And you're telling me this why" she asked with a frown.

"Stella I need your consent for the outing duhh" I said

"of course you can go, you must think I'm some form of Mom in this house. You must be back before 9pm, you have a dinner to attend at Granny Macy's" she said smiling, honestly I'm glad Stella found a friend or should I say old friend. 

By 12pm I was ready for the audition with Aiden, well I'm just accompanying him so I guess I would be fine I said to my self as I felt I was getting  nervous.

"Stella I'd be leaving soon to be back by 6 by God's Grace" I said to Stella before leaving the house, she nodded and I closed the door behind me, few minutes later i saw  Aidens car parked on the other side of the road, just as we planned,  I flashed him a smile, got in the car and we zoomed off.

"See who remembered to wear his red shirt" I said to Aiden before he winked and and smiled at me.

so I had Aidens outfit planned but then as at when we were planning he said "no, I'm not a kid anymore we need to cut out on some silly rules we made, I'm a man now I know just what to wear" he probably figured his fashion sense sucks much even though he's a fashion designer, so he went with my plan.

As kids Aiden and I had a bunch of silly rules we made up as best friends we called BFFR short for Best Friends For Ever Rules, well we kept till he entered Crayfield, one of the rules were we had was to pick each other's outfits if we had an important occasion. Silly right?

"We're here, Babe did you bring your notepad  along" Aiden asked a bit nervous.

"Hey, look at me, you've got this okay just chill God has your back" I said and he smiled widely we stepped out of the car and he went to the line I waited by the car seriously hoping and praying he gets qualified, after about 40 minutes of waiting, Aiden came out of the Place, well he has a smile on so let me guess he qualified for the next round.

"how was it" I asked a bit anxious, and maybe worried as he did not reply and signaled for me to enter the car when things like this happen we all know what has happened but then I choose to believe something better happened or is going to happen I entered the car and we drove out of the parking lot.

"Aiden what's up?, you look like you want to cry" I asked concerned

" I was asked to join them in the screening stage, we qualified Aal, we got a slot" he said screaming into my ears

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