Chapter 27

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"Stel, I'm home" I shouted immediately I walked through the doors
"Hey" Philip said from the couch
"Hi" I replied confused a bit
"Where's Stella?" I asked
"She's in the studio, she wanted to pick up something or so" he said munching into his bowl of popcorn
"Okay" I said and walked upstairs
"Stel, guess what?" I asked as I walked in on her painting.
"What is it?" She said in a bored tone
"I said guess 🙄" I replied her
"You're pregnant" she replied still looking  at her sketchbook
"What? NO" I said again
"It's high time you and that boring boyfriend of yours start making babies don't you think?" she said smiling at her painting
"Stella! Would you let me talk or you would you keep guessing" I replied her
"okay fine you can speak" she said again turning around to face me
"So I have date with Mark tonight and I don't know what to wear" I said rolling my eyes smiling
"Errr, who is Mark again" she asked
"My boss" I replied
"Your British Indian Hot boss" she asked eye wide opened
"Yeah, that's the one" I said excited
Don't get me wrong and I'm probably overthinking it but it's a big deal that I'm going on a date with Mark
"Mark, says he'd pick me up by 10 and I have no idea on what to wear" I said again just in case she did not hear me the first time.
"Did I hear someone is going on date with her boss" Philip said from behind me
"Well apparently my baby sister is" Stella said smiling
"Well then I guess we would have to postpone ours so we can focus on getting you dressed is it a movie date or a dinner date?" Philip asked
"It's a dinner date so I guess bright colors could work with the dress" I said
"I just hope he wasn't pulling your legs" Stella said and Philip burst out laughing
"Really Stella?, and by the way which date are you guys going on" I asked
"Movie date" Philip said so quickly and excitedly
"Let's get this baby girl dressed" Stella said pushing me out of the studio
Stella walked into my closet and picked out a mustard yellow fitted gown with sliver stilettos
"This should do" she said and I smiled
"Stella I thought" I was about to start
"Yeah, quit thinking you always make impossible decisions" she said
"Do you think I just might be getting overdressed" I said finally ignoring her.

"Of course not, even if it's a movie date you have to nail it, well maybe not in a dress but you always have to be gorgeous" She said sitting me down on the chair in front of the mirror.
"I should probably text him to find out more details on the date" I said and she nodded
Hey, errrm I was wondering if it's a movie date or a dinner date
                        -Allison Hale
I texted him and he replied almost immediately

It's a dinner Date
"He says it's a dinner date" I told Stella
"That's great then" she replied
"Stella where are my keys, I'm going to visit grandMa" Philip shouted from Stella's room, I really don't get these two.
Have I told you Philip has been at my house for days now well he's always in Stella's room or at the studio and yeah Granny Macy is getting better and she got a cast on her left leg though.

It's been three months since her accident.

"It's on the dresser" she shouted back
"Got it" he replied
"Errrm you should take a bath and call me when you're done" she said and walked out of the room.
"Sure" I replied
I connected my phone to the speakers, and picked a song from my playlist.
***** 60 minutes later still in the bathtub***
"Aal are you getting bleached" Stella shouted from the room
"Well, I'm taking my time preparing for my first real date" I replied smiling
"Just be quick it's 6pm already, I just want to do your hair and we can do your makeup later, Philip and I are waiting for you" Stella said walking into the room
"And why's Philip waiting too, I thought he was going to visit Granny Macy" I asked confused
"He's back honey that's how long you have been in the bathroom" she replied
"Whatever, I'll be out in a minute" I shouted
I came out the shower and wrapped my towel around me and another on my hair and walked into the room
"Well then guess who didn't get fairer?" Stella asked sarcastically
"Whatever" I said checking out the undies she had picked out.
******5 minutes later******
"Allison can you sit still, I'm trying to get the edges straightened" Stella said
"I'm still, Stella are you okay?" I asked noticing her shaky hands.
"Yeah I'm good let's focus on getting you ready" she said trying to change the topic
"Cheese" Philip said from the door with his camera about to capture us and we both smiled
"You look gorgeous" Philip said
"Thanks" Stella and I chorused even though I'm pretty sure he was referring to Stella, these two probably think I don't notice them stealing glances at each other and smiling at each other. Silly kids.

It's 9:30pm hair done, maakeup done and still no message from Mark, most books I've read there's usually a confirmation message from the other person thirty minutes ahead I'm probably not getting one  because those are usually romantic dates and mine is just a date.
"You keep checking your phone,what's up?" Stella asked probably concerned
"Errrm, he hasn't messaged" I said reluctantly
"Don't get worked up about it" she said cupping my face
"He's probably getting ready orrrrrrrrrrrrr he forgot and" she continued before Philip interrupted her
"Aal no worries if he messes up I'll take you on that date. You deserve it, deal?" He said eyeing Stella, Philip right now had Just taken over the role of my big non existent brother
"Thanks" I said smiling at him
"You'd be thanking me later" Stella retorted as she walked out of the room.
"She's just jealous" He said smiling at her
"You like her, don't you?" I asked Philip out  of the blues.
"Don't you think you should charge your phone just in case he actually shows up, I mean you can't have a low battery on your date" he said cutting me off
"Nice try, but you'd still have to answer my question" I said as I stood to get my charger and he burst out laughing.

****20 minutes later******
Ding! dong!
"That's probably Him" I squealed
"Yay" Stella squealed also
"I'll get the door" Philip said walking towards the door.
"You should get your phone and your purse, No alcohols, No kissing and definitely no touching" Stella said staring firmly at me
"Yes mummy" I said and she laughed
I walked up to my room to get my phone smiling at myself, I'm probably this excited because it's my first real date and some other reasons that are personal and my sister and Philip have made it so special.

I want this date not because I like my boss or anything but I just wanted the date probably because I wanted a break from something I can't figure out yet, the break wasn't going to take long it would take an hour or two but that's was more than enough time away from me, from them.
Hi cuties, I'm glad you've gotten here on this story. Kindly vote, comment to tell me what you think and share 😬.

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