Chapter 1

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Starting something can be beautiful most especially if you look towards it, and are optimistic about it. But then you know what they say the ending of a thing is better than the beginning even the Bible says it.

It was a sunny morning about 10am in Seattle, the rays of the sun shinning through the slightly opened curtains had stung my eye as soon as I opened them.
"Aal hurry up or we would be late on your first day!" mom yelled. 'Shoot'

The thought of going of away to college had kept my stomach rumbling with excitement all through the night, I could barely sleep. To avoid moving around the house so early, I took a bath at 4am and drowsed off shortly after.

"Mom even if we go later we still cannot be late!" I yelled back, wearing my white turtleneck shirt over a pair of black jean I had picked the day before. I wore the necklace Dad gifted me on my birthday last year, applied some gloss on my lip before packing my long hair in a high ponytail with my favourite pink scrunchie.

Mom yelled again "Allison Hale, get your butt down here this instant or I'm going to-" she was about to continue when I appeared at the top of the stairs.

"Honey make sure you drive safe okay? and you Aal be a good girl, no alcohol, no boys and of course no drugs" Dad said as I descended down the stairs.

"Mom is Stella coming with us?" I asked. I looked over to Stella, she was sitting on her regular spot at the dining with a pile of pastry books and A4 papers scattered all over the table.

"No!" mom replied quickly as she headed out of the house.

"Here, you forgot your bag" Stella said handing me my grey backpack. "You're a life saver, I had all my school document in there," I said and squashed her in a tight hug.

"You need to go now or your mom would start yelling," she said and smiled. Her smile was always a soothing and a sight worth remembering on a bad day.

In about an hour and a half we were at the school and I could feel the butterflies in my stomach start to jump. before me was what I've dreamt of all my life 'The University' Crayfield University to be precise.

I stared at the huge school gate with the name of the school engraved in it and smiled to myself. Here we go I thought.

I was about to fulfil my part of the stories Aunt Monica, Aunt Mia and Uncle Terrian told me about. I've had a hear full since I got admitted. The talks usually started with the same thing. "Remember, the university is not a child's play, you either make or break yourself out there." they would say.

Well, maybe they are right but ain't nobody going to have fun, I mean I'm going to attend classes, go to the lab and all that but I definitely was not going to deny myself the fun- the parties, boys, early morning class struggle, boys, sleepovers and of group school work. Aiden tells me all of this makes a good school life and for all I know those Old folks have not been in a university since two decades.

The school was packed with so many cars and students resuming like I was, so many suitcases were lined up at the halls of residence, the students were getting registered. "Aal!"someone shouted from the other side of the reception where I was currently registering into the hall of residence and and a frown formed on my face as I dragged my suitcase behind me. 'Why yell, you could have just come closer and speak?'

'Wait a minute why does it sound like Aiden?, No can't be he's resuming tomorrow.' I thought before a large hairy arm belonging to my best friend- Aiden wrapped around my shoulder.

"Whoah, how come she's giving me her billion dollar smile? and is it alright if you do away with your glasses more often," Aiden said pinching my right cheek. He took my suitcase from me and dragged it behind us.

"Where is Mom?" He asked as he brought the suitcase to a halt in front of the receptionist. "She is in the car, she wanted to pick a call," I said. The receptionist asked for my admission details and handed me a key after she typed something on her computer system.

"Here you are. I looked everywhere," Mom said and we both turned around. Aiden immediately let go of the suitcase. He rolled the suitcase away from the receptionists table and immediately hugged mom.

"How are you son?" She asked. He smiled and nodded. "How is Mia?" She asked. "She's great," Aiden answered.

"Aal, do you need me to go up to your room to get you settled?" Mom asked and I shook my head.

"Don't worry mum, you dont have to stress, I'd help her out," he said and Mom smiled. "Thank you, I'll be in the car waiting." She said. Aiden grabbed the suitacse and I took my bag from mom. I waved her and immediately got on the elevator with Aiden.

"I didnt know boys were allowed in the dormitories" I said. Aiden chuckled and I frowned. "They are. Let's just hope you have a good roommate, that's important," He said and the elevator bell made a Ding sound.

We got off the elevator and I watched Aiden lead the way. "You look like you've been here a few times," I said and he nodded. "I Slept here once with Tasha," he said. I handed him the key once we got to the entrance of Room 210.

"So any plans for tonight?" Aiden asked as he unlocked the door. Aiden was a third year Fashion design student and I was a second year transfer student. As fun as it sounded to take a little tour round the hostel area and probably the class area I wanted to rest and unpack, so I just shook my head and told him "I would be unpacking and too tired to do anything,"

"Aiden can you help with setting up my room?" I asked as I dropped my bag on the bed. The room walls were painted white. The person on the other side had posters of musicians and a guitar on the wall. Her bed was roughly made with a few books lying on it. Two wooden mahogany tables separated us both such thay she had her side of the room and I had mine.

"Sure, but that means you owe me one and I had plans with Tasha tonight- we were supposed to see a movie tonight," he said scratching the back of head like he was thinking of what say to Tasha.

Tasha was Aiden's black girlfriend I like her to a point, lowest point if I may add. We just don't get along. I get it she's smart, beautiful, 'friendly', and all that juice stuff you can think about but we are not just friends. I'm black too in case you're wondering.


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