Chapter 5

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I was doing my regular 3am reading when I started hearing sniffles from the bathroom like someone was crying I wasn't quite who it was and I really did not like prying in other people's privacy but when it got so bad and consistent I had to go take a look.

I knocked on the door for about 5 Minutes but no response, and I was about leaving when the other person decided to open the door.

"hey Miranda didn't know you were the one in there" I said not knowing really what to say and wasn't sure what her reaction could be, because She usually has her mood swings in seconds.

She just looked at me and silently walked back to her bed her eyes swollen and red. I really hate being pushy but she seemed like she needed help so I went to her bed side.
"Miranda you know you can always talk to me right, I mean we aren't the best of friends but I could be there when you need me" I whispered to her really hoping for a response, after about two minutes she turned gently and started crying, i wasn't quite sure what to do but I started rubbing her back and making her comfortable, " they all promised to be there and now I'm all alone" she said between her sobs, I did not quite understand what she meant but I really did not want to push it so I just waited for her to talk at her own pace.

"she died and it all changed, we used to be perfect, I was 8 when it all began and they all promised to be there". She said again between her sobs, me being clueless who the she or Jacob was I just said she should be calm and she would be fine.
" That's what they all said I'd be fine, they all said I'd not be alone, they all said I could do this and no I can't I'm just too weak, I'm tired of it all, Jacob is in jail, Mom died, Dad is a drunk and my insurance expires this month" Well all I was able to figure out was those were rhetorical questions and even if they were actual questions I wouldn't have answers,

"Miranda I might not be able to feel what you are going through but I know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called to His purpose, in all of this trust God and watch Him turn your table around for good, "Allison are you sure these aren't more lies" Miranda asked not knowing really what to believe anymore.

I nodded sure of what I had just said, Dear God we thank you for this day, God please cause your light on our lives and cause our pain to turn to joy in Jesus Name we prayed, talked a bit and I pet her to sleep. After Miranda had slept it was 4:30am already, so I decided to sleeps since I had an 8am class.
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